Complete tard almost gets half a dozen people killed

Florida has pretty lax laws on murder. The popcorn killer is pleading innocence under Florida's lax laws regarding self defense. I too hope he never sees another day of freedom but we've seen other killers get off under these laws. In any case, that guy, as you say, took a life for no good reason. I don't really care to see this happen again. Arguments for carrying guns in public and that's what I'm discussing here, are not very convincing because what's said -- that gun ownership makes people safer -- doesn't match reality:

I look at our neighbor, Canada where people don't have the free will to carry guns in theaters where they might have a stupid argument with somebody else. They have teensy rates of gun violence compared to us. Its up to gun owners to remove the dissonance between the argument that gun ownership makes people safer and reality. Or else eventually, people like me are going to have their way and we'll join the rest of the developed world regarding gun laws. Its up to you guys, not me to do something about this.

Florida has draconian laws against murder. Where do you get this nonsense?

Please give a citation of people getting away with murder because of "lax murder laws".

Gun ownership made those innocent people in the barbershop safer. That's reality.
Who is Dan White, and how did he get in this conversation?

The popcorn shooter in Florida is claiming innocence under the SYG law: so what.

Stand your ground laws are a good idea. Why should a law abiding citizen be forced to cede his freedom to a criminal?
LOL, you are the guy that brought up Harvey Milk. Dan White killed Harvey Milk and Mayor Moscone. Too funny this.

The popcorn shooter in Florida is claiming innocence under the SYG law: so what.

Stand your ground laws are a good idea. Why should a law abiding citizen be forced to cede his freedom to a criminal?
OK, this is exactly where we diverge. I'm good with that.
LOL, you are the guy that brought up Harvey Milk. Dan White killed Harvey Milk and Mayor Moscone. Too funny this.

OK, this is exactly where we diverge. I'm good with that.

I knew of Harvey Milk, and the twinky defense. I did not know the name of the killer, nor am I particularly interested in knowing his name. The point is, every murderer is going to make some sort of claim of innocence. Claiming that your neighbors dog told you to murder somebody (Son of Sam) doesn't exonerate you, nor does it indict dogs.

I am find with divergence as well.
Yes, he was a former cop. He's pleading that he was in fear of his life and that he had the right under Florida's laws to kill that man. As far as I can tell, he felt the killing was justified -- from descriptions from eye witnesses, the killer acted pretty coolly throughout. Whether or not he gets off is kind of irrelevant to the dead person.

What do you mean other people should not be punished? Would changes in open or concealed carry laws be a punishment?

Kudos for knowing yourself and taking care of your own business. For myself, while I don't have anything intrinsically against firearms, I don't think owning one would make me any safer. I don't hunt, so I don't own a firearm.

Hunter or not

There sometimes comes a time to protect yourself.

If you have not encountered it in your life, then you have had a good life.

You probably aren't throwing popcorn on other people either
I too think that the outcome was the best possible. I think that under our current laws, the defender acted within his rights and he was pretty good at what he did. I was impressed. So, great, we found an instance where the good guy won.

Outside the home, its almost impossible to find any good statistics to show that people walking about with guns at the ready in fact stop crime except for a rare few cases, this being one of them. There are competing reports out there showing various conclusions based upon results from a very small number of occurrences. The NRA has its own numbers but they aren't believable.

Inside the home, for every hundred of outcomes where the home was defended, there are about 500 gun accidents and many more than that where the home owner's own gun was criminally used to wound or kill at their home, usually by the gun owner or a family member. So, double tragedy -- a person is dead, most often another family member or friend of the family -- and the shooter is in for the legal fight of their life.

This is not to say anything about you or your ability. I've been impressed by what you say are your protocols for handling and storage of your weapons. I'd just like it to be the average and not the exception. Its up to gun owners to make this happen.
We are cool. I know that you think I'm capable. I agree with what you have to say.

Its banter. I don't take anything you say personal.

It just kind of got to me. Pada calling a guy a retard that quite possibly saved peoples lives.

With all the ill done with guns lately, complain about those instead of bashing a guy that did nothing wrong.

I will also say for ccw to not have a Rambo attitude. Take the time to train and practice. Someone in the heat of the moment with a gun is liable to cause more harm than good.
He risked his life and the lives of everyone else inside that barbershop over money. Risk your life all you want, you don't get to risk mine or other peoples because you feel like Dirty Harry.

According to you and your analysis, responsible gun use includes putting other people at risk attempting to eliminate the perceived threat
Why not? You choose to risk the lives of everyone in the world because you want free shit.
I'm sure the 1 in 10 completely agree with you. I know you don't get reality in your news sources, but the rest of us see countless, daily examples of armed citizens successfully defending themselves and their family, while ridding the world of individuals who are likely to kill down the road. I've read about four in just the last two days...five if you count this highly successful incident.

Your gun has a higher likelihood of being used in an accidental death than a justifiable homicide. The facts don't lie.

As for this incident, I think the patron pulling his gun was unnecessary, and reckless. These guys would have shot the place up first and then taken the wallets if their intent was to kill people. Wouldn't it be easier to lift the money from a corpse? Now if these guys would have come in guns blazing then yeah, drawing your weapon and returning fire would be the right move. But they didnt. They were looking to rob a few peeps and the patron needlessly escalated things.

Every situation is unique, and calls for different reactions.... but in this case calm and cool would have been best IMO.
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Your gun has a higher likelihood of being used in an accidental death than a justifiable homicide. The facts don't lie.

As for this incident, I think the patron pulling his gun was unnecessary, and reckless. These guys would have shot the place up first and then taken the wallets if their intent was to kill people. Wouldn't it be easier to lift the money from a corpse? Now if these guys would have come in guns blazing then yeah, drawing your weapon and returning fire would be the right move. But they didnt. They were looking to rob a few peeps and the patron needlessly escalated things.

Every situation is unique, and calls for different reactions.... but in this case calm and cool would have been best IMO.
Well, you and I agree at least. What the gunfighter nation doesn't seem to get is that they are a minority supported by the good will of the majority. If they don't take steps to reduce gun violence and accidents I believe they are going to lose the good will of the 68% and growing population in this country that don't own guns. At this time, this guy is the face of the gunfighter nation:

Fortunately, nobody died unjustly in the occupation in Oregon although it isn't over yet.

No disrespect to responsible gun owners that take training, store their weapons responsibly and think through what they are doing or will do. But they aren't representative of the main group. From what I've seen the average gun owner doesn't really do much with their gun other than hide it in a cabinet. The gun nut carries it and is completely ready to kill with it, like the popcorn killer in Florida and Ammon Bundy.
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Who is Dan White, and how did he get in this conversation?

The popcorn shooter in Florida is claiming innocence under the SYG law: so what.

Stand your ground laws are a good idea. Why should a law abiding citizen be forced to cede his freedom to a criminal?
Stand your ground?
Like your racist hero George Zimmerdouche?
Jorge Zimmerman

Ha. I figured somebody would bring that up. The left lost their collective mind on that.

Simple self defense. Not SYG, just simple self defense. The jury's decision was proper and accurate, and it would have been the same decision in any other state. The evidence was overwhelming that Martin attacked Zim, and lost his life in the commission of that assault. That's what happens, sometimes, when a criminal tries to murder a person.
Ha. I figured somebody would bring that up. The left lost their collective mind on that.

Simple self defense. Not SYG, just simple self defense. The jury's decision was proper and accurate, and it would have been the same decision in any other state. The evidence was overwhelming that Martin attacked Zim, and lost his life in the commission of that assault. That's what happens, sometimes, when a criminal tries to murder a person.

That situation is also indicative of the absolutely insane mindset of gun nuts. Whether the self defense aspect was "justified" or not, Zimmerman created the situation by stalking and threatening someone who posed no threat to him despite the direct orders to the contrary by the authorities he was speaking to at the time. Both parties did something that contributed to Martin's death, but the situation would never have existed were it not for Zimmerman living in a fantasy world where he was the Lone Ranger protecting his neighborhood from teen-aged black kids. Curious to hear your thoughts on that since you 2A whackjobs tend to also be the "ra ra personal responsibility!" types. Then again, you've already proven that you're the shoot first, second, and third and then maybe ask questions later type, so I'm not expecting much in the way of intellectual debate.
blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah. Curious to hear your thoughts on that since you 2A whackjobs tend to also be the "ra ra personal responsibility!" types. Then again, you've already proven that you're the shoot first, second, and third and then maybe ask questions later type, so I'm not expecting much in the way of intellectual debate.
I love guns and dope as much as any red blooded American. ZimZam murdered that kid and the racist ass judicial system let him get away with it. It's my duty as a citizen to have firearms I personally keep them in my house and don't like to travel with them because I live in a fairly safe area But I'm not at all bothered by people who concealed or open carry. let them live their lives. Fuckin 25% of society is pilled out and allowed to drive a 3000 lb piece of metal 75 mph down the high way. We can't round off all the corners because you're an oblivious pussy who's gonna fall and hit your head. Go ahead libvestites everytime you try and pass some gun control bullshit my guns become worth more money and the manufacturers of fire arms hire more people. Kudos everything you have tried has failed. In the last 50 years we went from guns that were for the most part stuck to 10 rds max and now we can buy 100 round drums that daisy chain into any amount of ammo we want. Jokes on you guys. Libvestites have put so much money into the hands of arms manufacturers it's fucking amazing. I fuckin love the fact that ar platforms went from over 1000 bucks a decade ago to now you can get them for 500 bucks and if you try to ban them all the gun hoarders are gonna be rich. hahaha just like the typical life of a libvestite your need to regulate what other people do has backfired on ya and now you're broke and alienated from the real people in society who put on work boots and don't have to sell artisanal small scale free range eggs for 10 dollars a dozen hahaahaha rant over you guys keep losing
I love guns and dope as much as any red blooded American. ZimZam murdered that kid and the racist ass judicial system let him get away with it. It's my duty as a citizen to have firearms I personally keep them in my house and don't like to travel with them because I live in a fairly safe area But I'm not at all bothered by people who concealed or open carry. let them live their lives. Fuckin 25% of society is pilled out and allowed to drive a 3000 lb piece of metal 75 mph down the high way. We can't round off all the corners because you're an oblivious pussy who's gonna fall and hit your head. Go ahead libvestites everytime you try and pass some gun control bullshit my guns become worth more money and the manufacturers of fire arms hire more people. Kudos everything you have tried has failed. In the last 50 years we went from guns that were for the most part stuck to 10 rds max and now we can buy 100 round drums that daisy chain into any amount of ammo we want. Jokes on you guys. Libvestites have put so much money into the hands of arms manufacturers it's fucking amazing. I fuckin love the fact that ar platforms went from over 1000 bucks a decade ago to now you can get them for 500 bucks and if you try to ban them all the gun hoarders are gonna be rich. hahaha just like the typical life of a libvestite your need to regulate what other people do has backfired on ya and now you're broke and alienated from the real people in society who put on work boots and don't have to sell artisanal small scale free range eggs for 10 dollars a dozen hahaahaha rant over you guys keep losing

This is the rambling of a crazy person. Step back, read what you have written, and consider professional treatment. I'm not even sure what you're trying to say with half of this, and I also can't figure out if you think I'm a bleeding heart liberal or what.

PS- "libvestites"? Really, that's what you guys are rolling with now? Pathetic...
This is the rambling of a crazy person. Step back, read what you have written, and consider professional treatment. I'm not even sure what you're trying to say with half of this, and I also can't figure out if you think I'm a bleeding heart liberal or what.

PS- "libvestites"? Really, that's what you guys are rolling with now? Pathetic...
You can call me crazy all you want but the fbi has deemed me sane enough to buy as many "high powered assault rifles" as I feel like or I'll person to person transfer in a mcdonalds parking lot without paper work if they ever flag me. Banning guns will work out as well as making dope illegal has.
I love guns and dope as much as any red blooded American. ZimZam murdered that kid and the racist ass judicial system let him get away with it. It's my duty as a citizen to have firearms I personally keep them in my house and don't like to travel with them because I live in a fairly safe area But I'm not at all bothered by people who concealed or open carry. let them live their lives. Fuckin 25% of society is pilled out and allowed to drive a 3000 lb piece of metal 75 mph down the high way. We can't round off all the corners because you're an oblivious pussy who's gonna fall and hit your head. Go ahead libvestites everytime you try and pass some gun control bullshit my guns become worth more money and the manufacturers of fire arms hire more people. Kudos everything you have tried has failed. In the last 50 years we went from guns that were for the most part stuck to 10 rds max and now we can buy 100 round drums that daisy chain into any amount of ammo we want. Jokes on you guys. Libvestites have put so much money into the hands of arms manufacturers it's fucking amazing. I fuckin love the fact that ar platforms went from over 1000 bucks a decade ago to now you can get them for 500 bucks and if you try to ban them all the gun hoarders are gonna be rich. hahaha just like the typical life of a libvestite your need to regulate what other people do has backfired on ya and now you're broke and alienated from the real people in society who put on work boots and don't have to sell artisanal small scale free range eggs for 10 dollars a dozen hahaahaha rant over you guys keep losing
Are you ok with felons who have served their time being allowed to possess firearms?
You can call me crazy all you want but the fbi has deemed me sane enough to buy as many "high powered assault rifles" as I feel like or I'll person to person transfer in a mcdonalds parking lot without paper work if they ever flag me. Banning guns will work out as well as making dope illegal has.

Where did I say anything about banning guns? I'm a gun owner and enthusiast and have been my entire life. I'm just not a rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth autist who doesn't know how to communicate with other human beings or use logical reasoning like yourself, so that may be where the disconnect formed.