Completely stealth grow room


Well-Known Member
The germination is just preference and all ways work nearly the same, this one just requires the least mess.
I don't like repotting because I always mess it up however I will try using 1.5 or 2 gallon pots for the whole thing just to try it out.
The nutes for veg are correct if a little high in nitrogen, but again preference.
The nutes for flowering I've never used but heard that it helped, but I'll probably keep the same nute mix just a little less nitrogen like normal.
For the seedling stage I just say 24/0 when I use more of a 22.5/1.5 because it boosts growth.

But I'm definitely going to try out some of the things you suggested because I'm open to suggestions from anyone more experienced than me.
You really got to try first and see what you can come up with after you set it up the way you feel comfortable with or else you do not know your own limitations. I cannot tell you either because that is up to you.

I do however agree with your CFL's and as far as a schedule....damn! I never had one of those! I did keep a journal of when I watered and how much....then eventually it became my own system that I just did without thinking about it.

I personally germinate under lights because from my own experience they pop faster, thicker, stronger, and brighter that way. Also they get used to the climate and the light.

Nutrients depend on what your medium or substrate provides and what the strain wants.

I do think you will want a soiless to reduce smell and any possible issues with fungus or pests, etc.

I have never hooked up an exhaust fan but looks like you most definitely need one. I have used an ionizer and it was wonderful. It reduced the smell in the outside room and kept the air clean which the plants and I loved equally. Also people that came to visit had no clue that anything was there and breathed wonderful fresh air.

I highly suggest mylar or flat white paint which you already knew and to make a reflector with horizontal fixtures for the lights. You definitely want to suck the heat from the reflector or have vents on it where light does not escape. Then you have to figure out how you will lower the lights and raise the lights, etc.

You may want to put rubber inserts around the part where the door closes so that light does not escape - just a suggestion although I am in no way Bob Villa.

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Active Member
@ Livevibe

Yah. I was thinking ventilation might be a problem, but I'm planning on just filtering the air with a carbon filter and then blowing it into the higher cabinets. That should eliminate the smell.

The reason I germinated in sunlight before was that I did hear was it got them used to the climate and light.

I have no clue how I'm going to raise or lower the lights because all the good systems that people have done require a wider space. But the rubber around the door is a great idea that I never would have thought of.

I live in a house thats right at sea level by the sea, but thats all about the location that I'm going to say.