Just thought it might be good I usually just use kelp and alfalfa with ewc, compost and molassas
I'm not a Neem fan. For anything.....Neem has a known anti-bacterial property that will effect living soil bio's. Both bacteria and fungal growth! I won't even use it in soil builds (My choice).
If your doing tea and adding kelp meal to the brewer. Your reducing your living bio count by 40+%..(through limiting growth).... Kelp meal in the soil build (will not limit bio growth in the media) and you can add kelp extract after you brew -
if bio counts are important to you. Most alfalfa meals will not effect the end "count" but, actually may add a bit to the spectrum of bio's.
So, in my book it's skip Neem and Kelp meals in tea brewing. You can use other things in tea's to supply the NPK. Add Kelp extract after the brew for the Fulvic chain acids and vit's/amino's.
There's the often unreported information on brewing Kelp/Neem meals in teas..
If bio's do matter in your fert teas. Add some well composted cow/steer manure and increase the bio "spectrum" produced again...
any tea brewing. I want all the bio activity I can get!