Composting, and recycling your potting soil?


New Member
I saw bongrippinbob's thread about making your own soil, and had a thought.
Does anyone think it would be possible to compost your old potting mix with your trash food, and reuse it next year?


New Member
Ok, and I can understand not wanting to re-use it. But what I meant was composting it, and making it back into good soil.
What do you think of that idea? Do you think it will or won't work? How do you think that?
Just wanting more info than "DO NOT DO IT!"
We dump the years compost on our garden every fall, so of course its fine, in fact its eco and in balance, so you're probably a better man than most of these commercially marketed ditto heads here telling you where to order it. BUT, we always rotate our crops because regrowing in the same places fosters the particular diseases any one plant harbors... the earth demands change. BUT, if you compost into your old soil, turning often, and heating it up good for a couple months(killing off what we don't want), I have a hard time believing you'd have any problems at all. In fact, run two batches of soil, one to use, while your composting the other one back. City-bound people often don't have this capacity, so need to constantly re-buy and use more... like they do with the rest of the earth.
Good luck and get your soil from where it came from, not a plastic bag...


New Member
Well, I just found out that my 2 ladies that are frosting out in my closet are grown with recycled soil. And here I thought it was "gramma's special mix" it was just old pots the plants had died in, and she poured them into a bin, and forgot about it when she left for assisted living.
Go figure.
Your thread got me thinking, so I googled around to understand a broader range of people's opinions. So now I'm going to restate something, because people out there are confusing themselves. Yes, don't reuse soil, but Yes, recycle soil. There in lies the difference.

And in my experience with bagged soil, even the 20$ bags, is that none of them are balanced. So sometimes the latest garden pro with his hot new idea makes an o.k. bag of soil, but usually not. And that is the great thing about composting your own. Nature will make you a 100% balanced, 100% compost mix, for no money down.
People are always willing to spend the extra money for something they think will produce something better. Sure, I could get bat guano or whatever the latest thing is to get that extra nitrogen, etc. OR maybe just hop up my own compost... it's not rocket science.

And having been to Amsterdam many times,(where people don't talk, they smoke) I can tell you soil is soil. You wanna start dropping bombs then drudge your way into the art of hydro to smoke yourself blind. Next to hydro, soil is just soil. So have fun with it and watch yourself grow great crops in that dark brown nature that won't disappoint. And do it for free, nothing makes me wanna puke more than the commercialization of those things I hold dear.


New Member
Free composted, recycled soil for life out here! I live in the country, and are only using our trash for un-burnable, unrecyclable trash. Yeah, there's not much going in there. Most of it is going into compost, so I may as well put it to good use!