Composting: Whats in your pile?


Well-Known Member
Here's a little tip for you all.
I noticed that some people specifically add mycorrhizae cultures to their compost in addition to worm castings and worms themselves and that is all fine and dandy but...

...Worm castings and well the worms themselves will inoculate your compost heaps with all the mycorrhizae you'll need. So if you are adding worms or their castings into your heap, then it really is a waste of money to add any cultures.


Well-Known Member
honestly I don't know. It makes me feel better about not always being able to get to the bottom of the box though to turn everything, lol.
thats a pretty bad ass lil setup you have going! does the pump actually help?


Well-Known Member
what do you guys think about composting lemons?

my gf is on this lemonade diet all month and i have a million lemmon peelings!

dont want to get too acid but i think itll be good so i wont have to worry about ph'ing so much

any input?

i put 4 in the blender lastnight and put it in lastnight

the wigglers arent complaining about them yet
yet.........they will. too acid.


Active Member
ya ive been reading about it on some other gardening forums

if i continue to use them i will add little portions
You could add dolomitic lime to the lemons and test with some strips and make sure it is near neutral before adding.
EDIT: one thing to consider before using lime or whatever to neutralize the acid is that when a base and an acid react with each other the byproduct of that reaction are salts and water. I say this because any major amount of neutralized lemon mash will be quite salty so please do consider that also.

piney bob

Active Member
Every thing from Lettuce to Fish Guts. Pile and a Pitch Fork. Hopefully this year i will be feeding it to my worms.