Compound HQ's Grows

I'm with ya been out the biz since having kids with 2 strikes no amout of $$ is worth being taken away from them
Good on ya!... Oklahoma is just kind of the Wild Wild West of Weed... you can grow it on you front porch, and nobody cares. It's really worthless unless you're bartering. Cops don't care, you can get pulled over with 3oz of bud, 1 oz of concentrate, and 72 oz of edibles, and you're good to go. They got better shit to do.
But even then... all you have to do is state you have a medical condition, with no card, and they will let you go. Worst case is that a cop on a bad day gives you a ticket with a $400 fine and no court. Just pay the ticket.
This is how loose the law is here. I got a message from a member here in Australia that said he tried my product. I was like "WTF"?.... I had made a bulk sale many times, but this buyer had sent it overseas. Same logo, Company name, strain... It goes for like $5000 US over there a unit wholesale.
EDIT: Legally it is not supposed to cross the State line..... crooks everywhere.
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Latest production airing in N. TX and Southern Oklahoma. Rates are fucking crazy these days. But 6.24% isn't too bad considering the current market. Personally, I think it's out of control. How will the rest of the year go?... we shall see.
Produced today... Not a bad deal boys and girls at todays interest rates... sure they're higher than Willie Nelson, but they're not coming down in price anytime soon. But 1.9% is better than anything you can get on the used market. I was in the biz for 32 years, and never saw prices come down... they've always gone up. Get a deal while you can. Good on 2023's till April 2nd. I got the full pull on this fine family of dealerships finally!.. been producing 15 sec spots for 4-5 tv stations in the past month.....
