compressing nugs

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
can anyone share there method for compressing nugs after harvest. im all dried and looking for some good tips to get that final shape/look to the nugs before i jar? i have a vacuum sealer but looking for a little more detailed method if there is one out there. thnx
That final shape is the shape they are. No way to make them look better :(. I'm so confused lol.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
My nephew once bought $2500.00 rims for his $500.00 car....when he asked me what I thought...I replied "Do they get you from A to B any faster??"

My point is...what's the point? Will it increase yield? probably not...will it increase potency? probably not. Will it make the budz more dense? perhaps... but are you trying to sell it to a dispensary?

I guess what I am saying is drying and curing the old fashioned way will make dense budz all the more dense. For budz that are not full and dense to start with...I remember back in the day of $20.00 ounces there was always a ton of shake in the know what shake is? It is the stuff that falls of the bales of Mexican ditch weed. Now, you don't grow Mexican ditch weed do you? I hope don't worry about your budz being pleasant to the sight...smoke out and enjoy!
That was a dick thing to tell your nephew, Why you raining on people's parades bro?


Well-Known Member
This is what I do. I get 2 x 25 litres bucket put the half dry buds in one
And get the empty bucket and sit it on top of the buds and then sit on it.
Then place back on the rack to finish drying


why would you ever do that the only thing that will make your buds more dense is growing great genetics and having a green thumb. no amount of squishing will help with that. your friend is a sham who is selling snake oil with advice like that. try bigger lights Pk boosters or just knowing what nutes your plants need at certain life stages. up your craft and skill set. don't trick people with shitty brickweed its all about frosty dense buds not flat buds with trichs at the bottom of the bag.