Compulsive Liar


Well-Known Member
I used to be friends with a kid who had a huge problem with lying. He just didn't think his life was interesting enough, I guess. My main smoking companion at the time and I befriended him, and he never ceased to amaze me.
He would bring us these videos (generally burned onto CDs) that he claimed were of him and his friends, but that he had clearly taken from the internet. One was of a group of Korean DDR dancers, which he claimed was his crew, and one was even a POV blowjob porn, which he claimed was him and his girlfriend.

Once, when we were walking in a somewhat small group of people, he pretended to receive a phone call and proceeded to carry on a conversation in French, or so we thought. It turned out another member of the group was a French speaker, and they later claimed that he was spewing a bunch of nonsense and unconnected nouns.

I remember my drug companion and I were on ecstasy at one of our houses, and the liar, Adam, accompanied us (though he didn't do e). A song happened on, and in our emotional state I mentioned that it reminded me of my ex-girlfriend. Classic Adam, he immediately said "Yea, same, with my ex". Then for each song that came on after that, he had some new story about some different girl it reminded him of.

Ah, liars. When its an illness, its sad, but when its malicious its infuriating.


Well-Known Member
So if every girl you dated refered to you as "worthless prick" at all times, you'd respect that?

Not just you either, every girl, every where, always referring to all men as "worthless pricks" at all times, and you'd think, "damn they really must have some love and respect for me".

Did you ever stop to think that maybe women don't like being referred to as bitches all the time?
What I mean is... you need to be respectful to me if you want to get any from me. If you're a bitch to me right from the start, then you're going to get treated like the cuntface you really are. And yeah, perhaps calling all women bitches is wrong... but dammit... IF THE SHOE FITS....


Well-Known Member
I'm in high school. Which would explain the dealing with high school girls. And if a girl acts like a bitch, she is going to be called a bitch. I don't just disrespect girls, they do something to deserve it. I never once said that I am a grown ass man. I'm in high school, I know I am young as shit.
and now i know. :fire:


Active Member
lolololol i was posting on that thread too and just happen to read it and i thought the same thing in my head BULLSHIT

I thought the same as you did.. lmao.
People these day.

Jus because it was some fat chick it wont keep her from pulling that twinky outta her mouth just 2 snitch.

You know for fact you would of gotten expelled.:cuss:


Well-Known Member
Naw, I am a rocket scientist. I was testing the response time of the average female to a very offensive comment on a internet forum. Thank you lab rat.


Well-Known Member
What I mean is... you need to be respectful to me if you want to get any from me. If you're a bitch to me right from the start, then you're going to get treated like the cuntface you really are. And yeah, perhaps calling all women bitches is wrong... but dammit... IF THE SHOE FITS....

but the thing is, as you said before.. respect begets respect.. you have to give to receive... The world dont owe you anything, just as you don;t owe the world anything.. but you'll never get anywhere pushing on an opening door unless you learn to work with it...

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
oh no.. it's worse than that.. this story starts with him smokin a blunt at some festival like the crawlfish boil or some shit, and he gets this one chic high who invites him back to her room where two other equally hot chicks are.. keep in mind this dude doesnt bath, doesnt brush his teeth, and I don;t think he even knows deoderant has been invinted.. and then while he's banging 'em, or after.. depending on what time you're hearing this story.. the girls boyfriends.. plural.. not singular.. boyFRIENDS come in, and he talks shit of course about like "well if you did it right and handled your business I wouldnt have to" type thing...

all teh while i'm looking at his ole lady like "those must've been the three most disapointted women in the world at the time, and both of us are thinking "nigga you cant handle the business of one man, much-less three.."

Then security comes and he runs from them, does some meth and snorts some coke with a stripper, some how the cops come looking for him, he jumps in his car.. which ranges from a blue firebird, to a chevelle.. and runs from the cops, and of course it's all this fast and furious bullshit, almost need for speed like.. and when he realises he cant get away, he starts doin donuts while snorting the meth he had.. and it's like..

Dude.. no... none of that happened.. maybe you had a bag of weed at a concert.. but thats about the extint of it... i'm gettin your woman off better with one finger than you have in the three years combined.. don;t fuckin lie to me.. if you wouldnt have trapped her ass, she woulda done been gone.. there's a reason all the women you sleep with are gone or fuckin your friends.. cause you shit, you aint never been shit, and you aint never gonna be shit
I stand corrected. lol


Well-Known Member
but the thing is, as you said before.. respect begets respect.. you have to give to receive... The world dont owe you anything, just as you don;t owe the world anything.. but you'll never get anywhere pushing on an opening door unless you learn to work with it...

Go back to page 2 where CanadianCoyote says "I'm a girl." :wall:
There's some futility in arguing with a person of the feminine persuasion over the term bitch. She is probably going to know the psychological and emotional impact of the term 'bitch' far better than a person of the male persuasion.

Couple that with her discussions of past girlfriends and you'll realize there's no way in hell she doesn't fully understand the consequences of using the term bitch.

We can complain about high-maintenance women and their drama all day long, but gentlemen we have NOTHING on on the drama induced by lesbian relationships.

I run websites for local alternative-sexuality (started managing a swingers site for the club my wife and I attend and got a name for managing them well.) The strictly homosexual crowds are high drama. Swingers are annoying, especially when couples don't tend to their own relationship first. Gay men can get pretty bad but the forum I run for local lesbians is so high drama I nicknamed it TNT (because THEY know drama.)

I think that a woman who is either lesbian or bi-sexual and has played the field has MORE than enough right to use the term bitch whenever she feels the need. She will be able to identify with the term bitch on a level that most men never understand.

Mind you I have no problems with lesbians and have known some incredibly cool lesbian couples, but experience has taught me that a destructing lesbian relationship is like a war zone, and not the fun stoned ones like in Platoon, I'm talking a 'the world is ending' war zone.

Want to hear pathological liars hang out with alt-sexuality people. The things I hear them say about each other in moments of anger are so infeasible that I have difficulty not laughing myself out of my computer chair when locking threads and banning members.



Well-Known Member
lmao... I undersdtand what you're saying.. but I grew up around nothing but women, and while I copuld never relate with them on the same level that women relate to women.. I think I'm as close as any straight male could ever come.. the thing of it is, i'm a lesbian myself.. I think like a woman sometimes.. I like to do things women do.. I just happen to have a penis and loooooooove women...

don;t get me wrong, I do like male things aswell, liek wtaching football and action movies and all that shit.. I dont hunt of course.... but I like shooting guns and all that shit.. so it's not that bad.. I just picked up on alot of those female tendencies thru my years...


Well-Known Member
Well today in English class me and this guy sat next to eachother and I was holding a conversation with him, After a few mins go by he says "Yeh you smoke?" I said no, trying to play it off(barely know this guy). He said "oh man try it, its amazing , I actually have 3 plants growing in my closet at home!, (Well at this point im like yeh , tsounds great). He keeps goin on and he said" My plants are about 4 ft and they been growing for almost 5 months,(in my mind i said bullshit)I kept askin him questions because I grow and wanted to hear what this kids knowledge was. I then asked him what lights he uses and he said "just lights from around the house", The reason why I know this kid is a joke is because I have talked to him other times and he comes up with random shit like he said he got arrested and the cop "threw" him and he sued and got $100,000 the next day, this guy is an idiot and I think he lies because he thinks it is cool. Well thanks guys . Put some stories you have heard that are BS or just people that lie all the time :leaf:

see i would have just socked him and told him to stop bullshittin because in the end he sounds like he could be a narc ass bastard..better yet man just call him out on his bullshit he will be pissed but he will know you fronted him and he was caught in a lie

Kozmo Tha Klown


Well-Known Member

We can complain about high-maintenance women and their drama all day long, but gentlemen we have NOTHING on on the drama induced by lesbian relationships.

Which is why I call the show, The L word, 70 reasons not to be a lesbian"


Well-Known Member
I kinda like high maintenance women.. but I like crazy women, emotinally unstable women.. damaged women.. I love women.. all kinds.. I'm starting to figure that out.. I worship women.. I couldnt date just any woman, and until you give me a reason to not like you, I respect all women and make friends with 'em easily... the only kind of women I don't like are overly manly women.. not like, bull-dyke.. but like, ya know.. chicks that dress like dude's (don't get me wrong, I love a woman in t-shirts, jeans and a ball cap), act like dude's, talk like dude's... I mean don't get me wrong, my girl has to be my bestfriend above anything else...

But I don;t want a girl that reminds me of my homeboy... there's a reason me and my homeboy don't spend the night together or go off for the weekend..

Asfar as calling women bitches.. like it was stated before.. thats for high schoolers and dumbass gangstas... I think most if not all women deserve alot more respect than what they're given.. and to be degraded down to a beast that has no use other than breeding is fucked up.. now i'm guilty of gettin fucked up with the boys and start flappin my jaws and i've said dem bitches or i've called a woman a bitch a few times, but I don't do it on a day to day basis and I never say it to someone... and I know that one is just as bad as the other.. but I try to have as much respect as possible and use the word aslittle as possible..

Now if you're the type of woman that walks around putting herself out there like a slut or a whore, then yes.. i'll call you a bitch...