computer case grow box?


Active Member
I have always wanted to get in to growing but I am either living in dorms or in the middle of the city with my parents, so outdoor growing would be very hard and indoor equally hard to hide. i was looking online at hydroponic grow boxes but am very turned away by their price (600+$) Could I take an old computer case, put a grow light in it on a timer (I don't know what kind of light or what kind of light cycle to use though) and then have a pump on a timer to water the plants a little bit once a day, could I actually have a good yield inside the computer case? How much better would it be if i set up a homemade hydroponic system instead of just having a pump water the plants? How long would it take for the plants to bud (im just thinking of driving a computer case full of plants across the country back to my dorm) Or should I scrap this idea and save the 100$ I have right now towards a low end grow box? Thanks guys!!


Active Member
i dnt know much about growing so im nt gonna say a lot..

im sure iv seen pictures of plant in old computer towers in the past..
i dunno if it wud work tho cus i was told earlier tht u want at least 3.5ft in height.. hav u got tht?

it mite be worth just buyin a grow box... im to cheap to buy one, just tryin to grow in my wardrobe..
i have seen it done before but you will need to find out which strain of plants only grow up to about 3 foot i have lowryders which are meant to be small plants but probs wouldnt be best suited to inside of a computer tower. also more than likely you will have to crop it alot to keep it minimal size. if i was you i would do some more research into grow rooms you mite find something that suits your situation abit better and maybe it could be possible to replicate it with a bit of D.I.Y. graft.


Active Member
Thats what I'm thinking, this summer i can even grow in my closet and thats no problem, but come September I woul;d either need to move the plants to a friends or bring them to my dorm, the computer case idea would allow me to do that. thanks guys!


Active Member
i just built a computer case box this weekend and plan to start growing this week. I took an old computer and took everything out of it. I used the fans on the inside of the computer for ventilation, it just took a little McGyver action to make it run. The inside is lined with tin foil and i picked up a 10" dome light from home depot for like $9. Right now i have a 60w CFL and it heats the box up to 80 degrees, i saw at home depot a 50w plant light and i may look more into that so i dont burn anything. This is my first grow so dont expect much. Ill post pictures soon


Well-Known Member
u can grow in a pc case but if u have more room and a place for things then i suggest that. ur plants wont get very big in a pc case and u wont be able to fit as many lights in.

sure its doable though, theres ppl on this site that have showed off there pc grow box. use the search button.


Well-Known Member
Check out my grow link in my sig... Almost done with my first grow and its all been in a computer case :D

Perfect read for one like you who is interested in growing in a computer wahoooo. go computer growers


Well-Known Member
pc is fine for results of under 10 gs, average maybe 5 if you do it right. A pro might get more but expect to get maybe 3 gs or less a plant on your first try.


Well-Known Member
I am on my first try right now and I DEFINITELY will get at least 5g and I am no pro. If I was a pro I think I could pull close to an Ounce. Maybe more once I fine tuned anything.

You really just need to do your research and figure out how you will do everything. Dont half ass a computer case grow because you will be spending such a long time and get such a small yield. Do it right and you will be please, trust me. Its well worth it if you have no other places to grow.


Well-Known Member
i grew several plants in different ways for fun and got around 3 gs a plant. Ill actually continue to use the pc for regular grow and see how much ill get when i use all my gained knowledge. Ill grow 6-8 small plants instead of 1 LST plant like ur current grow, if i still just get 3 gs a plant ill result in maybe 20 gs. Thats the plan for next season after summer vacation.


Well-Known Member
Yup, thats what I plan on doing very soon. I have my one case for flowering and one for vegging now. Im gonna juss SOG them all just as you said because LST and FIM takes too much time I think when you could mother and clone.

But I am hoping for at least half o from my two girls right now, I think I might get more... no idea though.