Computer fan mounting for ventilation ...??


Active Member
i checked the box today and the temps were at 83F it was as high as 89F yesterday before i put the fan in. and boy ill tell ya she is stiiiiinken bad lol. so i added more lights and closed the cabinet doors.. to see if temps will go up...yes its in an air conditioned room.


Active Member
the exhaust fan is running considerably faster than the intake and i left the oscilating in there seems to be nice temp in there around 82-83F . if it stays that way i should get some nice think,,,,,


Active Member
well i dont know what else to do to make the temps go down ne lower? the more air i add that would be cool is just coming from the same air conditioned room that stays at like 76-80F with the 2 boxes i have in there. will it hurt my ladies if i keep the temps around that or is it high. i was always told that 85 was as high as you want your temps.....


Well-Known Member
on pc fans they have what way the motor turns on the fans casing.

most PC fans are counterclockwise motored

place two fans drawing air out of the case, and a few passive intake holes. you want low presure inside the case. so air is sucked into the case via passive vent/s

for passive cooling you require more air removed than drawn into the case, it creates high an low presure. same way a PC computer cooling works. there is a fine balance so i would only cut a single passive intake first and then check temps. then add another intake hole and test again untill you get a stable temp.


Active Member
well i made one passive intake and stuck a little pc fan to help pull some cold air into the box. it went from 98F which is the highest its ever been in 84.2F with 43%humidity within like 15 min of being there. Having the box doors open definetly helped the situation but....i had an idea if i took down all the mylar i have in the box except the ones on the doors...will my temps go down ???? the box inside is white and most likely reflective.. will my yield go down now?


Well-Known Member
i cant say about yield but.

there are plenty of arguements about mylar and white paint. personaly if you already have a whitened area dont spend cash on mylar use it for other goodies like ferts and stuff.

glad too hear your temps have come down, keep playing around with your setup's air intakes outlets.



Active Member
wow! installed the one exhaust pc fan and its doin better than expected i mounted the intake across the box on the other side and its pushing less cfm then the exhaust is pulling out so thats good ....the sweet girl is looking beautiful now , shes got so much outside growth hairs are everywhere , will post pics very soon in a grow journal im going to start first one ever from her flowering. just added another light above
"Dalilah" as i call her ..her main cola will fuzz out now hopefully. Woooohoo just got a buzz from a electrican friend i know, i might be getting a bathroom exhaust fan woot!

will update shortly.....cant wait to post a few.....