Computer Fan Wiring


Well-Known Member
i just wanted to make sure that these fans will help before i cut the holes to their size.
they will help alot im not to sure what type of pc fan would be best as each pushes more air then others try and get the highest type you can find and that should do the job for you


put one at the top, blowing out, and another in the mid section blowing air in, this works well for my cabinet. this is my cabinet, alothought the fans are blocked, but they are in the back, i am basically showing you my small area and that it works good for me. running 4x 42watt cfls. careful as the walmart cfl's get much hotter.


Active Member
Yeah mines about the same size as that, what is your temp? I got my lights from canadian tire, and they dont seem too hot, like i can feel heat comming off them but its nothing crazy.

solid shadow

Well-Known Member
...i cant leave any door open because my dad would see.
This reply is a bit off-topic but when I read the above-quoted post I couldn't help myself...

Speaking as a parent and a responsible cannabis user, growing in your parents' home without their permission is incredibly disrespectful and stupid - if your garden was discovered by law enforcement, regardless of how many or how few plants you have, your parents could potentially lose everything they've worked for - house, car, boat, whatever - simply trying to keep you or themselves out of jail. Here in the States the DEA would make an example of a situation like yours. Even if you live in a country with more lenient marijuana laws, growing in your parents' home without their permission and going to great lengths to keep it from them is just dishonerable.

I'm not trying to flame you, man, I'm just hoping you'll rethink your grow strategy and show a little more respect for the people who keep a roof over your head and food in your mouth.


Active Member
I understand this completly, but i doubt my garden will be found. I have persmission from my mom though, she gave me the seeds.


Well-Known Member
To anyone growing the erb in the UK, Co-Op have universal AC/DC mains adaptors with a switch that allows you to vary the voltage from 3 to 12V, meaning you can have silent fans or blowy ones at the flick of a switch! £3.99 - perfect


Active Member
Now if you look close, on the cell phone charger, one of the wires has a white line, this has gone both ways before, but it's susposed to tell you what is postivie (black) and what negative (red).
Any body with any basic DC current Knowledge should know that. Black Is Negative, Red is Positive the marked wire on fone charger's nine times out of ten is Positive


Active Member
ok computer fans and power supplies for dummies... real easy... computer fans can have 2 or 3 wires black = ground red = positive OR 5 volts yellow = positive OR 12 volts the fans with red and yellow are used in multi speed aplications say a fan can spin from 0 - 2000 RPM revalutions per minute (times its spins around in a minute) if you ran it at 5 volts it would spin 1000 rpm and if you ran it at 12 it would run 2000 rpm or you could get complicated and run a potentiomiter (variable resister) and change it to any speed you want by comtroling the voltage... but onward with the wireing fans and powersupplies have 2 main ratings volts and amps/miliamps volts are like the size of pipe your running water threw and amps are the pressure of the water in the pipe or the amount of force pushing the water threw the pipe computer fans can run on any voltage between 5 and 15 (even more or less but not well) on 5 volts it will spin slower then on a higher voltage 15 will spin the fan super fast but will burn it out faster... when you look at a fan or powersupply you will see numbers and words like # volts # amps/ miliamps (input and output on a power supply) input on a powersupply will determin what you plug it into in canada/us its around 110 VAC standard wall plug its your output that you have to look at... volts.. 12 is best.. but give or take 2 or 3 will still work less is better if you dont NEED max airflow and NEED i mean NEED.. something about fans if noise is a concern lower your voltage and it spins the fan slower making less noise.. but moves less air.. now the more complicated part.. amps or miliamps 1000 milliamps = 1 amp so .1 amp = 100 miliamps your computer fan will (should say) how many milliamps it draws or how much current flow (like force of water in a pipe) it takes to turn it at its optimal speed... best performance.. one of my computer fans says 12 VDC (MAKE SURE YOUR POWERSUPPLY SAYS OUTPUT DC.. AC WILL KILL A DC COMPUTER FAN) and .12 amp or MAH (mah may be in capitols or lower case or both it doesent matter) so what the .12 amp is telling us is that it uses 120 miliamps of power in an hour this is how you figure out how many computer fans you can run on one powersupply befor your using more power then your power supply can produce (sorta like trying to use your lawn mower motor to power your car... serious under power gets you nowhere but your car motor on your lawn mover and you can mow down trees.. lol... over power.. so number crunch time if you have a fan that draws .1 amp or 100 mah and a power supply that produces .5 amp or 500 mah you can sucessfully run 5 computer fans without underpowering them... if you have a weak powersupply that outputs say .1 amp or 100 mah and a fan that uses .2 or 200 mah its only going to be half as powerfull as it could be... as of the red and yellow wires play with what one or both that you want to connect one will spin the fan faster then the other.. and if you hook up the wires backwards dont worry the fan will either not work or spin backwards... but usually dont work if you have an old computer or an old computer powersupply.. the red is 5 volts and the yellow is 12 volts and on the powersupply is says the 5 does 32 amps and my 12 does 26 amps so you could run hundreds of fans without any problems there are ways of tweaking a fan.. if you do not have enough amps or milliamps (mah) to run your fan but your voltage is just a little too high some times the current draw (amp usage) will drop the voltage a little to aquire the power needed... but only within a small range like 5 - 10 % maybe more but you should look into that if your stuck with that option... if your stumped for a powersupply or computer fans.. go to a thrift store like valu village salvation army or somewhere that homeless people buy there shit and go into there electronics section some times u can get a crappy cordless phone or an old race car set power adapter just remember to look at the output and make sure its DC or VDC if its not ... and all u can find is something 12 volts ac.. u can build a fairly cheap [SIZE=-1]4 diode bridge rectifier from parts at radio shack or at an electronics supply store... do a little research first... or a lot.. but its easier to buy a powersupply from radio shack then to alter one... and safer too.. any questions.. e-mail me i check my e-mail every week... so be patient..


Well-Known Member
i wonder if you could use one of those cheap ($10-20) 12v solar panels to spin the fan? might be enough amps with all these high watt bulbs you guys burn.


indeed i hear you can... pc fans only use 12 vdc output...


Active Member
To vent a 2' X 3' X 9 area, how should i vent the area its too hot and too humid. I was thinking... a computer fan venting out on top and another venting in on the bottom hook them up to a thermometer. so the other question.. How should i go about doing that (the thermometer to fan part)
help i guess?

Peace is Unity


Active Member
hmm say 54 square feet.. calculate how many cubic feet a min your pc fans push.. figure if u exchange your air 3 times in an hour u should get rid of heat and moisture .... as to hooking up to a sensor... for heat and moisture.. your looking to spend around 100+ around the 250 range for a humidity and thermostat controler...

C.A.P. Independent Temperature/Humidity Control | garden supplies

something like so... and in the case of this you might wana get an inline duct fan and a charcol filter for the end of it...


Well-Known Member
i have 3 fans connected to 1 adapter and they all work pretty good i use it for intake only cause my squirrel fan is much better for my 400 watt system


Well-Known Member
I have tried running my pc fans on a 12v solar pannal and it didnt work :S strange coz it should of!!!


Active Member
quick question... what was the output of your solar panel.. think of it this way the ones on your calcualtor put out micro amps you would need atleast 100 of them to make the fan spin... let alone push any air.. that and there usually only 1.5 or 3 put it to you this way a 2' (foot) by 3' (foot) solar panel puts out 2.2 watts or 183 miliamps so when you think about something 2 X 3 = 6 square feet of a solar panel only puts out at most 200 miliamps 3 square feet would put out around 75 and at most 100.. so a square foot would put out around 25 miliamps.. so depending on the size of your solar panel.. i hope i answerd your question... i guess its why they make a huge dam to make hydro electricity and not your garden hose...