Computer Platform Gamers Thread!

As sad as it is, I dedicated about 4 years of off time to the old Novalogic game Black Hawk Down, it started with Delt Force Land Warrior, then Task Force Dagger (sucked) then BHD.

I don't even know if it is still played online anymore, if it is, I am sure it is hacked to pieces for sure. Man, I miss that shit something terrible.


FEAR 3 is the shit!
just started playing it and loving it. plays awesome on my pc which is decent enough but not a full on gaming pc by any means. HD lcd moniter helps
love the way you get scored on how long you camp behind walls for too long pitching a tent lol. the girl you see everywhere now and then is fricken scary as hell
Battlefield 3
Far Cry 3
Borderlands 2
Dead Space 3
Dead Island

(waiting for)

Crysis 3
Bioshock Infinite
Does anyone use the DS3 tool to use ps3 or xbox controllers on the pc?
trying to find a decent game to use it on, prefferably a driving type game.
I got WRC 3 and am trying to use the ps3 control via DS3 but don't know how to configure it on the actual game.

Some games I use the keyboard and mouse with like BF3 but some I use a controller with like GTA IV.

As far as PC controllers, I've tried a lot and IMO the absolute best is to use a 360 wireless controller with a 360 controller receiver connected to the PC.

Some games like GTA IV I play on my plasma TV from my computer (hdmi) and the wireless controller comes in really handy.

Besides, almost all games nowadays come pre-configured for the 360 controller. Meaning you start the game and press a button and the game instantly configures itself for the 360 controller.