computer power supply cord for ballast plug


Active Member
Just as the title states, I got a loaner 1000w ballast from a store until mine is fixed and it came with no cord. Stores closed and I am down a light. I know the plug is the same for a power supply and a ballast so I was wondering if i could get by using the plug. It is UL listed 300v 14 AWG but the male end for the power supply says 13Amps 125v. I am pretty positive I'm fine using it but would like the have the piece of mind. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
i would use it as long as it is short just check after running if cord is warm then it is no good


New Member
most say u need heavy gauge i used to say the same
but if u look at factory wires they 14 or 16 awg


Active Member
the cord is comparable in thickness to an actual ballast plug, i'm just gonna say fuck it and try it.


Although I'm new to this forum - I'm not new to electricity. UB might remember my old handle from Cannab . com etc.

I use 1k digitals with cool tubes. (several of them)

The cords they send out even from the factory arent worth a crap. As for a 16g feed to a 1k'r - no go. 16g wire is rated ~8-10 amps (amps x volts = watts).. Anywho long story short, you never want to exceed about 80% of the max it's rated for. So your 1kw light is likely pulling somewhere around 1100w minimum if its a magnetic, my digis are very efficient and only pull 1050..

I 'had' 16g computer style cables that came with mine, and I noticed they were getting warm (they were only 3-4' long),, if it GETS warm it can burn, and also if it's warm that means your 1) wasting electricity 2) exceeding the carrying capacity of the wire.

I went with 14g plugs for my ballasts/lights - they now are nice and cool and actually use LESS power.. *I had to go with 14g only because it's the biggest I could find* You can find 14awg cords for like servers and such (they pull alot of power). Also the shorter the better. My 14g cables are rated at 15amps. (15x120 = 1800) *.8 = 1440 (so a cpl hundred watts overage)

Most computer cables however are stranded 18/16g. FWIW: In stranded wiring you need a little bigger size vs solid wire. Just remember - it's NOT what it 'CAN' do it's what it's SAFE to do =)