Concerned Parent *first timer*


here is what is going on:

Happy frog soil w/ 20% perlite mix
18/6 regiment
100w replacement CFL
Light was 2" away (canopy) now around 3 1/2
watered daily with tap water
Humidity is usually around 50%
temp has never been above 80*F
never used fert. until 5-8 (foxfarm GrowBig and BigBloom)

these pics were taken on 5-6
i noticed the tips curling up a few days before and the veins turning slightly yellow. i have no idea why the tips a curling. I've been searching through my medical hort. bible and couldn't find any symptoms. The yellowing could be from nutes becoming depleted (plant is ruffly 16 days old)



what kind of perlite did you use? Some perlites come with fertilizer already applied, which I have witnessed causing a massive nutrient burn in the seedling stage. Otherwise, check the pH of the soil. You could be having an uptake problem.


The perlite is from whitney farms and the Ph of the water here is alkaline (which i found out yesterday) with the new fert (foxfarm) the ph is now at 7


Well-Known Member
my own 2 cents, is you had some over fert, but your plants are looking better
isn't that blue/purple tinge a sign of excess phosphorus?
i've only had one bad grow, but read the plant problems to excess



i believe the blue/purple spot was from the CFL being too close. if you notice on the newer pics its spreading away on the leaves, but i could be wrong. what i really want to know is the bottom tips curling. is this normal (part of the strain) stress, not enough nutes? the veins being slightly yellow....


Active Member
i believe the blue/purple spot was from the CFL being too close. if you notice on the newer pics its spreading away on the leaves, but i could be wrong. what i really want to know is the bottom tips curling. is this normal (part of the strain) stress, not enough nutes? the veins being slightly yellow....

Bluish/Purplish is a sure sign of a P def. Are you sure your soil is pH 7? Try dropping it to around 6.5-6.7 If you are still experiencing yellowing, you may have the pH to high and are locking out nutes. Whatever you do, don't add any nutes til they are al least 30 days old. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
again newb's opinion, but you won't see blue/purple from cfl being too close
tip curl can be a number of things, one being nute burn
could also be ph
nute problems often occur in bunches, not just by one's
yellow veins could be from nute lock
plant looking a little better? looked like it might be


what would be the best thing to reduce the ph. the water here is high....go distilled? so i shouldnt be applying any nutes until after 4th week


Well-Known Member
It might be too soon to start the feeding you might have burned them and stunted their growth, if i were you i would flush really well and not feed for atleast a week. You should be alright then, just make sure your water is good water, if you are using from tap let your water sit out in an open container for atleast 24 hours to let the chlorine evaporate out of it. Hope this helps