Condensation / Humidity Problem


Active Member
one other thing i noticed was the girls leaves seemed to feel wetish along with the dampish sweaty smell you think my problem could have been the high temps during on period then the big temp drop when lights off its was like a 30F drop between the two and that causing more water in the air raiseing my humidity and my intake and outtake was off so the air was just sitting there getting worse? im just glad its all sorted now, was starting to stress me out, thanks for all your help guys


Well-Known Member
if you get a large temp drop after your lights turn off then any humidity/moisture in the air will just settle on walls, leaves etc. you want this dried as quick as possible or your looking at possible mould issues. make sure youve got your fans, both extractor and small fans, on for an hour or so after lights off, it'll help dry the chamber out. mould is an absolute fucker to sort out and can wipe your entire crop, it can be fixed but its a fucking pain in the arse.


Well-Known Member
another reason for damp/wet leaves is the stomata expelling moisture when your temps get too high, its basically the plant sweating, again keeping a fan blowing on them helps this .


Active Member
i scanned most of this thread but did not see anyone mention that the extra humidity may come from the plants being big? I know when I am that far into flower the humidity wasn't easy keeping under control. Bubble buckets are practically humidifiers themselves. Then you have the plants expelling that gallon and a half of water they drink a day into the air. The other guys are right. Mold is a nightmare.


Active Member
they are big plants mate they drink around 6 litres each a day, i have a 1.2 x 1.2 metre scrog sheet nearly full with 4 bubblers under it, seems all fine now so im happy again :)