Condensation on Tubing and Fan


Active Member

I recently modified my ventilation system to pull air in from outside using an attic duct, loop into my grow room to cool my lights, and out again through a different duct in the attic. The tubing is 6" and the fan on each attic vent is an 8" suncourt that is reduced.

The length of ducting that pulls in cool air is running into major condensation issues. I live in Seattle where it is often cool and moist outside. The entire length of ducting coming to the 1000w lights is acquiring condensation, which is dripping all over the place. There is no problem after the lights (Naturally since the lights super heat the air).

This is of particular concern in the attic where it is cool and condensation is forming over the ducting and ventilation fan (The one pulling in outside air). I went in the attic to take a look at the ventilation fan and it was very wet on the outside. I was touching the power cord slightly and it seemingly shorted out the surge protector that both fans were connected to. I was unable to power them back up again using the same power cord, or the surge protector. However, they do still start up when a new power cord is introduced

What's the best way to resolve this?

Should I get some insulated 6" flexible ducting instead?

How can I safely run a fan that is subject to condensation without any power or fire risks? Can I just wrap it? Is there a special fan recommended that would be safer to use?

The water just appears to be on the OUTSIDE of the ducting, and I can't feel any inside. Do any other growers just let this occur?




Active Member
Update: I removed some of the duct tape that was around the intake exhaust fan (It was making it airtight with the outside). Now, there is a little gap so it should be pulling in about 50/50 outside air/attic air. I'm hoping this resolves the issue with condensation in the attic.


Well-Known Member
how cold is it in your attic? What are your room temps?
Insulated duct work sounds like a good solution


Active Member
how cold is it in your attic? What are your room temps?
Insulated duct work sounds like a good solution

Room temperature 78-85, with 60-70% humid (currently in veg)

Attic runs around 50-60 degrees or cooler at night.

Home ambient temperature is usually 60-68.


I have my intake in a bedroom in my house and my grow room in the closet. I had the intake coming from the bedroom going into the attic, but it was sucking all the heat out of my house. I just drilled a new hole and created an intake from my attic, too. Now the intake line and the intake fan are dripping. Did you find a solution?