Active Member
Looking good Dude!

man i been trying for a week to order some seeds from the tude. but i keeps taking me back to the mailing form when i try to continue. and yes i filled it out right. anyone else haveing this problem?
whats up minz. no they havent answered me yet. i was going to get some blue widow and some exodus cheese. maybe a sweet grapefruit. i'v changed it a few times. but doesnt matter. it wont let me order.
whats up minz. no they havent answered me yet. i was going to get some blue widow and some exodus cheese. maybe a sweet grapefruit. i'v changed it a few times. but doesnt matter. it wont let me order.
whats up uc, i appreciate it. i thought i was done with that v.k. grow, but i stuck with it and she looks pretty good now. but i started this thread cause i love that bush on that cheese. she deserved her own thread. LMAO. but i'm going to flwer them together. but my v.k is 17 inches tall. i may have to put her in a tub to lower her down some . here is a pic. View attachment 2033393View attachment 2033394
well i got in a wreck today. hydro plained (no pun intended) on the turnpike and went up a hill slammed a pole and went back across the turn pike rode and went in the ceter ditch. if not for the new cables they put up i would have slammed into a semi. wow! bout shit my pants. luckly i didnt hit anyone. got a ticket though.