Confirm my suspiscions please? WW outdoor grow


Active Member
2 weeks ago, I noticed a coupla leaves on one of my White Widow plants became yellow, and had brown, dry tips. Since there were so few affected, I didn't worry, but since I found the dry, curling tips, I did flush both plants just in case it was a result of over feeding.

I have 2 plants. Both are in FF Oceanic soil. Both have been given weekly treatments of Miracle Grow (the only thing readily available that I knew of at the time)

Both have been getting the exact same treatments and watering, the only thing different about these 2 girls is the pots they are in. The one having issues is in an earthbox. The other, is in a black canvas grow pot, 5 gal.

A few days ago, I found FF Big Bloom, superthrive, and some fish emulsion, so I snagged that and administered each according to directions. I have NOT fed any more MG.

Trust me, I have searched this website, along with others I've seen posted regarding plant problems. I just can't seem to figure this out.

So here are some pics. I have included one showing the 2 girls together. They have been very vigorous and healthy so far, but I'm stumped because clearly, the earthbox plant has not grown quite as bushy, but is slightly taller. Pic #5 is the unaffected plant.

I must also note, that we have had almost NO summer at all here on the southern Calif. Coast. It's been record-breaking cool highs here all season long. We will be lucky if we see the sun at all this weekend...but by next weekend it's supposed to get back to more normal temps. What we need is for this damn marine layer to go away.

Thanks for looking and for any help. I'm thinking that I might need to be giving less N? But as you can see, she's flowering...



Well-Known Member
looks like you have bugs from the holes in your leaves. my earthbox needs alot more nutes than the potted plants, mostly nitrogen. did she grow kind of lighter green the whole time?


Active Member
looks like you have bugs from the holes in your leaves. my earthbox needs alot more nutes than the potted plants, mostly nitrogen. did she grow kind of lighter green the whole time?
Thank you stupidclown. She does have a few bugs, but I didn't think it was that big of a deal. Her leaves have always been nice and green, identical to her sister in every way. In fact, she's always been slightly taller but just as bushy.
It's just been since that last MG dose 2 weeks ago started getting this yellowing/dead tips. At the same time, the unaffected sister has bushed out to surpass the other one.

gfree, thanks to you as well. I am positive they are not overwatered. It's been so darn cloudy and cool here all season, that I knew I had to be careful to not do that. There just hasn't been enough sun to dry things out lately.
The nute burn is something I suspected. I just want to get a good general consensus from folks here, since the solution to this problem is on two opposing spectrums.
+R to both of you


Well-Known Member
That plant still looks vigorous and healthy. The gradual yellowing seems more like she's lacking in the Nitrogen department. Any chance this is just normal yellowing at this stage of flowering, albeit perhaps a little early?

I feel your pain about the marine layer as I'm in the same vicinity. What a bizarre summer. It'll warm up once the fires kick in. :-|


Well-Known Member
Here's a couple pics of my plant last year taken on August 16. It was my 1st grow and I was going nuts because of the yellowing. I planted it in late February. All kinds of yellowing, but not because of nute burn. I just got behind a bit on N, but not a big deal.



Active Member
Ya know Pablo, I kind of came to that conclusion too, after staring at her off and on for the better part of the afternoon, lol. She is healthy for the most part, and since both of these girls are afforded the exact same nutes, water, etc...I'm just going to keep them both on the FF big Bloom, Fish emulsion and superthrive.
This is my first grow, and although I'm going to split this with my son....I am just about ready for a closet grow.....a small one. Just wanna keep myself in bud. :weed:
These ladies are going to keep me quite happy with what they produce, I'm sure.
Thanks for the advise, +R for ya.


Well-Known Member
sharing with your son. your fkin awesome. my mom smoked but never shared until recently.... what a waste! lol. closet grows. man there a lot more tedious than i expected. do lots of prep.


Active Member
sharing with your son. your fkin awesome. my mom smoked but never shared until recently.... what a waste! lol. closet grows. man there a lot more tedious than i expected. do lots of prep.
Hehe, my son is the one who turned me on to the benifits of medical mj. One day I was explaining to him how these pills I had to take made me nausiated. He handed me a joint and said "smoke this when you take em and you won't get sick".
Damn if he wasn't right, lol. :mrgreen:

He can't have a grow right now. He has his 8yo daughter (my granddaughter) living with him 50% of the time. He is slowly gathering the resources for a stealth grow in an old shed in his yard.

Oh, did I mention he bought me a real nice vape for my birthday last month?kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
i have a ww in an earth box right now she uses WAY more N than the others, i got a bit behind and she turned light green yellow, i have been feeding every other watering for three weeks and she is starting to green.

btw don't put nutes in the bottom, only on top and every watering pour some water on top to get everything wet so she can use whats in the top half of the soil, mine dries faster on top and getting it wet every couple days helps

Edit: my box uses 1 1/2 - 2 gal a day with three plants
You could also have a potassium deficiency because the leafs were crumbling up and dying and looked like it had some brown rusty color spots on one of the leaves witch would mean you have a potassium deficiency.