Confirmation hearing for Jeff Sessions


Well-Known Member
Starting in a few moments, senator Sessions confirmation hearings begin for his cabinet position as attorney general. For the first time in history a sitting senator, Cory Booker is set to testify against Sessions for his rather questionable past on racism and civil rights.


Well-Known Member
Let the games begin.

It's push back time now, boy's and girls. Let's give those Republican assholes a taste of their own medicine, and fight tooth and nail against every single clown choice made by Trump for his cabinet, just like they did to Obama.

Payback is a bitch (fun?)


Well-Known Member
Let the games begin.

It's push back time now, boy's and girls. Let's give those Republican assholes a taste of their own medicine, and fight tooth and nail against every single clown choice made by Trump for his cabinet, just like they did to Obama.

Payback is a bitch (fun?)
Uh, repubs have the numbers to push through whomever they like...


Well-Known Member
Put a powder wig on him and he's a Quaker..hobbies include torture of suspected witches (political opponent) and wild sex while being boarded (tying yourself into bed wth a board seperating you and your partner).

Good times; good times!


Well-Known Member
Let the games begin.

It's push back time now, boy's and girls. Let's give those Republican assholes a taste of their own medicine, and fight tooth and nail against every single clown choice made by Trump for his cabinet, just like they did to Obama.

Payback is a bitch (fun?)
Trump said they are all going to be confirmed..does this mean he lied?


Well-Known Member
More protesters yelling ," no Trump no kkk no facist USA" yes, they are really making a shit show of this pig's hearing, lol. He looks nervous, I hope he strokes out right in front of his family.
But his health is the best, his liver function is YUGE.
Has anyone addressed the fact that he must have a rare form of Jaundice that turns a person orange instead of yellow? or possibly one of the following


Well-Known Member
It's a rare form of blood poisoning that stems from a combination of gorging on the blood of vapid Euro models, habitual rape, and a steady diet of taco bowls and cola.
Makes sense. If Hugh Laurie taught me anything we know it isn't Lupus. His acceptance speach at the Golden Globes was on point too.

Laurie, accepting his award for best supporting actor in The Night Manager, speculated in his speech that this would perhaps be the last Golden Globes ceremony.

'I don't mean to be gloomy, but it has the words "Hollywood," "foreign" and "press" in the title,' Laurie said, explaining his pessimism about the awards surviving the Trump era. He added that some Republicans don't even like the word 'association.'


Well-Known Member
Let the games begin.

It's push back time now, boy's and girls. Let's give those Republican assholes a taste of their own medicine, and fight tooth and nail against every single clown choice made by Trump for his cabinet, just like they did to Obama.

Payback is a bitch (fun?)
Except that the last congress approved 7 of Obama's picks the first day... OOOOPS!!! Did CNN or MSNBC mention that to ya?