Confused about DWC tremps??


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!

First, sorry if my english doesn´t come out correct everytime, please have understanding for the fact that I am not that good with the language and use a lot of onlinehelp like dictionaries, spell correction, translation etc.. but often I´m lazy and in a hurry, sorry bout that!

Well here is the thing I have a problem with, the old DWC water temp question? In my first DWC not long ago I was so happy cause dirt never ever works for me despite good readings from ph, ec, temps or whatever? I have about 800ppm co2 at home in the apartment as well when I´m there which is almost always..? I never understood dirt and I never understood why I fail so miserably every time, well well I don´t care anymore since the first DWC just exploded upp and were so bushy with extremely close nods. I was happy for about 2.5 weeks before it got stunted and stopped growing, no smell or anything in the tank, looked and smelled clean till I finally pulled it up and the stench did hit me, rot root.

I did not wanna think for a long time so I just got a chiller emediately and it´s super + it is now also circulating, I have a 15l/m HiBlow air pump so lots of bubbles, it boiling heawy actually, thing is the more I read about water temps the more confused I become just cause everyone tells you something different and it can vary as much as 15 degrees celsius at any direction?

I have a chiller, please help regarding what temp I should turn it to for best results with a young clone, think strain is swiss cheese..? Just lemme know if you need more info about anything and I´ll get it for you. Thanks for taking the time to read this.



Well-Known Member
the best temps for hydro are 66-67f. this will prevent rot and save you a ton of stress. anything over 70f and you open yourself to problems. this comes from years of only growing hydro. never got the soil stuff.


Active Member
But all the Pros say different. in FAct you need 75 + to PREVENT fungus. you can easly grow up to 85 with no problems.. THIS IS from books on hydro, not me.. I do grow at 76 just fine.. If I could get it lower I would.. but cant and have not sen to many problems with it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot guys, I really do appreciate you taking your time to help me out here... :bigjoint:

Please don´t misunderstand me now cause like I wrote I really appreciate your help a lot, but this is somewhat of the problem I have with the range guys tell me of what is ok is simply huge. Well not that huge between you to but when also coincidering what others have told me, is it making me confused simple cause I really wanna succeed this time around and have the best temps possible now when I can actually choose exactly what to set the temp at. Meaning I am here to learn after all and do not wanna step on someones toes in the process?

I have such a limited growspace so when I mess upp and get root rot a month or 2 in and on top of that cannot get it under control I miss out on all that time put in + weed is not that easy to find where I live and I want it, no correction I need it! Don´t even have even space for a motherplant, lol.. Well well anyway last grow when I did get the rot I did measure a temp of approximately 24.5 - 25c (76.1 - 77 Fahrenheit) and topping out at maximum 25.7c ( 78.26 Fahrenheit) in the bucket, but days are getting even a few degrees hotter now so who knows where it would have landed?? I did not use any H2O2 until the rot was a fact but to late I suppose, nor do I believe the netpot was to close to the water, I´ll say about 1-2". Airpump(s) was about 600lph (10lpm) but is now swapped to a single much sturdier HiBlow GP15 (providing 15lpm under higher pressure) but I don´t know if that would have played in since it was not bad to begin with or was it?

I am also gonna put in co2 for flowering (possibly veg to if it matters at all?) if that would make a difference for water temp but I have not yet seen anything about that? My water temp is atm set to 66.2F but if higher temps then that would help the young girl in the bucket atm I shall higher it of course. I want to play it safe but still be close enough to the optimal temp for growth rate etc.

Again thanks guys, appreciate your efforts.



Well-Known Member
But all the Pros say different. in FAct you need 75 + to PREVENT fungus. you can easly grow up to 85 with no problems.. THIS IS from books on hydro, not me.. I do grow at 76 just fine.. If I could get it lower I would.. but cant and have not sen to many problems with it.
I keep my temps round 60to65f, and have no probs what so ever with PH fluctuation. If you run temps 75to 85 you're going to have nothing but problems, and i'm sure that 99 out of a 100 hydro growers will agree. Just put you a frozen bottle of water in res once a day and it will help to keep temps down. I went from using buckets to coolers for my dwc's and it works great.


Well-Known Member
But all the Pros say different. in FAct you need 75 + to PREVENT fungus. you can easly grow up to 85 with no problems.. THIS IS from books on hydro, not me.. I do grow at 76 just fine.. If I could get it lower I would.. but cant and have not sen to many problems with it.
you must be confused. 75+ is just inviting problems. pros?books? how about real life. and you can lower it if you need to, ice bottles. what you told him is exactly what he was asking you not to.


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for replies guys and I´m sorry to answer so late, I was a bit late cause I read what you said and I tried it for a few days first. I truly do appreciate your info on this matter cause I was lost there for a while, lol..

So it definitely seems to me like most of you tell me to aim for 60-70 to estimate it roughly? So I did set my temp in the smack middle of that figure to 65 degrees Fahrenheit for now and I don´t know if I´m imagining this but my PH actually seems a bit more stable? Now I don´t have to adjust on a daily basis but rather adjust to 5.2-5.5 and then let it drift up to 6.2 in about one weeks time, just perfect cause that´s when I swap the soup out again for fresh water/nutes and it all starts all over again. That was not the case when I didn´t have a chiller, when it was to hot I´v got the rot within 2-3 weeks and PH needed adjustment every day basically!

Also my roots are now looking all white and much thicker/sturdier, only thing is I might have done a mistake? I added a second seedling in the netpot cause I had no space for it elsewhere, was that a huge mistake guys? Do I need to cut that one down/take it out asap? 1 is a clone and the other is a pure seedling from seed and they are indeed different strains but both at least are feminized. Again thanks for your support guys, I´m glad I´m a member here where much greater knowledge then I possess is available.


Well-Known Member
you must be confused. 75+ is just inviting problems. pros?books? how about real life. and you can lower it if you need to, ice bottles. what you told him is exactly what he was asking you not to.
Correct.. 75 degrees is asking for trouble maybe you just have a strain that can tolerate that.. DWC is easy and you get big growth using it but water temps are crucial in DWC and aeroponics.. 70 degrees and under and you wont have any water or disease problems...YOu can keep your water cool real easy you can use ice chests for your reservoir, frozen water bottles, etc.. I grew DWC for a few years in AZ where it's 115 in June & July I used ice chests and frozen water bottles


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for replies guys and I´m sorry to answer so late, I was a bit late cause I read what you said and I tried it for a few days first. I truly do appreciate your info on this matter cause I was lost there for a while, lol..

So it definitely seems to me like most of you tell me to aim for 60-70 to estimate it roughly? So I did set my temp in the smack middle of that figure to 65 degrees Fahrenheit for now and I don´t know if I´m imagining this but my PH actually seems a bit more stable? Now I don´t have to adjust on a daily basis but rather adjust to 5.2-5.5 and then let it drift up to 6.2 in about one weeks time, just perfect cause that´s when I swap the soup out again for fresh water/nutes and it all starts all over again. That was not the case when I didn´t have a chiller, when it was to hot I´v got the rot within 2-3 weeks and PH needed adjustment every day basically!

Also my roots are now looking all white and much thicker/sturdier, only thing is I might have done a mistake? I added a second seedling in the netpot cause I had no space for it elsewhere, was that a huge mistake guys? Do I need to cut that one down/take it out asap? 1 is a clone and the other is a pure seedling from seed and they are indeed different strains but both at least are feminized. Again thanks for your support guys, I´m glad I´m a member here where much greater knowledge then I possess is available.
Dont plant two plants in the same net pot.. The roots will get tangled and what not and if one gets sick then the other get sick and you have to chop both. one net pot for one plant.


Active Member
Youare correct my meds were kicking in; I meant 65-75... Up to 75 you are Ok... Igrow at72-76... Because I have to and all is well, go figure. As for Pros trythe Dutch or read a book like the Medical MJ growers bible would be a start. Peoplewho came before you and paved the road say things different then kids on thenet who just repeat what the post before them said. My post was meant as... you don’t have to grow between 68.7 and 68.8or your plant will die... As been posted on RIU more than once.

But yes I was worng,. I miss typed. THANK you for pointing that out..

Happy growing to all.


Well-Known Member
Dont plant two plants in the same net pot.. The roots will get tangled and what not and if one gets sick then the other get sick and you have to chop both. one net pot for one plant.
Yeah I took your advice and restarted again, better late then (potentially) never right? :bigjoint:

So now I´m on a single again with 68 in DWC bucket and kept there by a chiller + around 77-76 in the rest of growroom, hope that is the answer for me? I mean I´m in a small apartment with inner temps of about 82 - 83 in the summer so even when running a cooled reflector I still need to also run AC in the apartment to get down temps..

Thanks to all of you for helping out!


Well-Known Member
Run it under 68 degrees. Im running mine at 63 degrees, no problem.

Thanks GreenThumbSucker appreciate you info a lot, guess I could give it a go.. The one main thing that is a bit hard for me is to "select" and go with a certen temp based upon others saying.. I really wish I had more then one single bucket to play around with so that I could have one to experiment on, I cannot imagining it being healthy for the girl to play around and swap temps to the left and right each couple of days/weeks to see what she likes the most? or...?? At least you guys have given me a number to aim for so that I might later fine tune it for my specific needs and find out what´s best for my strain, conditions etc..?

Gotta love the this place, I have also asked elsewhere and despite writing about my chiller some just keep posting that I should add ice bottles to the res? Makes me think they didn´t read it at all which in itself gives the trust a blow! I´m referring to take tips from somehow who didn´t care enough to read through the initial post? At rollitup I have several good answers thanks!

Little girl is growing now but extremely slow imo, of course no real roots yet but roots are growing very slow to.. Looks white though, thinking about skipping H2O2 if it´s healthy and go with beneficials instead. If I now can do that after having started on H2O2 already? /dr.medecine


Well-Known Member
How would you guys keep the temps down in a smaller setup, like a Waterfarm? Wouldn't a water bottle do too much? It has been in the mid 80s here, my room is air conditioned to the mid 70s. I assume that is where my water is at. I had a Fruit Auto experience some minor root slime on a test run with my setup.


Rebel From The North
But all the Pros say different. in FAct you need 75 + to PREVENT fungus. you can easly grow up to 85 with no problems.. THIS IS from books on hydro, not me.. I do grow at 76 just fine.. If I could get it lower I would.. but cant and have not sen to many problems with it.
This is 100% un-true and false! So false that vx420 must be cofused between room temps and water temps!
books are the worst form of info a person can sorse.

Best temps are 66f to 68f


Rebel From The North
How would you guys keep the temps down in a smaller setup, like a Waterfarm? Wouldn't a water bottle do too much? It has been in the mid 80s here, my room is air conditioned to the mid 70s. I assume that is where my water is at. I had a Fruit Auto experience some minor root slime on a test run with my setup.
You could setup a sub res and run a chiller to it, then run a pump from that to a wort chiller coil thats in your nute res.