Confused about topping. Please advise


Active Member
Ive been reading up on topping and watching a lot of youtube on the subject and Im a bit confused on the subject matter. Some people top early on others top late into the veg state. Id like to have some clarification on the following:

1) How often should I top a plant? Ive talked to some people who top their plants many times before veg but then I read articles on the subject or watch youtube and its implied that they only top the plants once.

2) When is the best time to top a plant?

3) What kind of plant should I not top (mother of my clones perhaps)?

4) Are there any disadvantages to topping?

5) Is there anything else I should consider about topping?

6) How exactly do I top a plant? Some of these topping videos I see the guy straight up cutting the main stem and destroying his plant it seems.

7) Are there any articles/videos on the subject with clear pictures?

Please advise


Well-Known Member
1) How often should I top a plant? Ive talked to some people who top their plants many times before veg but then I read articles on the subject or watch youtube and its implied that they only top the plants once.
as often as you choose. more topping equals more large colas.

2) When is the best time to top a plant?
you can start anytime after the fourth node and continue as long as you want. i stop topping when the growth tip is showing pistils.

3) What kind of plant should I not top (mother of my clones perhaps)?
no restrictions, your choice. even topping mother gives you two clone sites in place of one.

4) Are there any disadvantages to topping?
it slows down growth for awhile.

5) Is there anything else I should consider about topping?
if you have limited floor space topping is not going to help you.

6) How exactly do I top a plant?
it's really simple, you pinch off the growth tip (but not the associated leaves) of the branch you want to top, usually the main stem.

7) Are there any articles/videos on the subject with clear pictures?
there were in longer.