Confused and worried.


New Member
Well, it's been since around early April since I planted this male/female ( hope it turns out it's female ) and no problems occured, while now this strange things has happened and I am worried. First of all these guys popped out next to my plant and I have no idea what they are.
(Sorry for bad quality of the photos)
1. Main plant.
2. These things popped out.

Secondly, the lower leaves started to get yellow. I checked a thread and it showed that it's propably lack of magnesium but I am not 100 percent certain about it, so I need a confirmation and if so how can I fix it.
1. Looks dead on the edge of leaf, it's yellow on the edge and it's turned downwards.
2. Full yellow.

Lastly, do you think I will need a bigger pot for my plant?
those lil bottom leaves will eventually fall off. that's normal. And I do agree pull whatever it is that is growing it will suck nutrients away from your roots or worse. And definitely repot into it's final flowering pot.


Active Member
No doubt that's common with outdoor grow (or if you're using garden soil) to get other little things making a home in your soil. We get lots of that with our tomato plants which are in the garden in pots. There's lots of stuff flying around in the air. Just pull em out soon as they appear. No cause for alarm.

Plant looks healthy otherwise, not the largest plant in the world but nice stature and color. Good luck!


New Member
Thanks for everything guys. By the way what about those above bottom leaves, that one leaf seems unhealthy, is it normal for it? Should it drop off soon?


Active Member
In my experience starter leaves often go a bit weird shape or unhealthy quickly. I usually refer to this as "growing pains". The plant is just acclimatizing.