Confused newbie. Big Skunk 47


Hey Everyone,

Really could do with some info for my grow attempt,

So after careful deliberation and plenty of reading i have decided to start a grow. I now have the following equipment set up and ready to grow. Theres just some things that are confusing and hope that you guys can clear somethings up.

Budda tent 1.2x1.2x2.0
4 inch in-line fan (i think im going to need a bigger fan)
Desk fan
Budda carbon filter
1 diamond 400w hps lighg and 1 400w hps standard reflector.
2 white fire 55w cfl, i got these cheap but cant find much info, they seem really old and have white fiberglass reflectors.
2l of both canna a+b
3l canna pk 13/14
ph up and down, and ph test kit

My question is regarding the nutrients and testing.

The the nutra wand has ppm-cf x ec700 on one side and ppm-ec x500 on the other side, which side do i take readings from?

I have read on this site i should water and test the run off, if im using 6.5l pots how much should i be watering them? im also growing in coco.

My tap water after sitting for 24hrs reads at ph7 and ppm-ec 200-0.4. What do these need to be reading? and do i add nutrients to the water first or ph it first?

I have started to germinate the seed and as soon as i have pics i want to start a journal, where is the option for this as i cant seem to find it? is this due to me been a new member?

Thanks for all the info you guys have already provided me as i have been reading for weeks.


Active Member
i would get a ppm meter off of ebay that tells you the actual numbers thats what i use and it works fine. i had a ec meter but it was annoying to use. you can get one for between 10 and 20 dollars. if you dont have a credit card or bank account go to walmart and put money on a green dot card. add to paypal and your buyin in no time. as far as watering them. normlly you should water till you see runoff and youll know when to water again by inserting your finger in the soil at the edge of the pot about an inch to a inch and a half. if the soil is dry then water again till you see runoff and so on