confused on times


Active Member
i have made a pc growbox pictures on thread here some were but i changed the light to a blue cfl bulb and also got a red to use in veg stage of growing i got some female seeds not many and unsuccefull on gementaing on cotton wool and kitchen towel like my mate has done with my nyc diesel seeds and got 1 outta one to gem but on thursday my misses decided to have a go with my big bang female seeds and just planted one stright into the soil and slap it in with one of my lizards and its come though the lucky cow

question is ive seen people with all sorts of times for veg some say 5 weeks 24 hours light some are doing 24 on 48 off ive seen
can someone point me in right way on what light time i sould be doing plz thanks


Well-Known Member
veg for 4 weeks, 18/6, cos plants can only process 18 hours of light a day. whatever height u end up with at the end of the veg stage it timesd by 3 at the end of flowering. one guy i knjow vegs for 4 weeks, and flowers for 8. thats a kind of average.


Well-Known Member
vegging is 18 on 6 off..... flower is 12 12

vegging time is all personal preference... depends on the space you have to grow in..

plants will double to triple in height when put to flower... so just keep that in mind...

also 1 cfl light probably won't be enough but I've never done a pc grow or a cfl grow so......

go to the growfaq

this will help ya out :D

and when you germ your seeds definately just put them in soil... the less you handle them the less stress they have.

seeds also like to be warm and moist it will make them break the soil faster...


Well-Known Member
Youa re in a pc grow, Irecommend 24 hrs light. Giving little guys 24hrs of light tends to make the space between nodes shoorter, hence a smaller plant with just as many bud sites. Do the 24/0 thing until you plants gets to be like 3 inches, maybe 5. The plant will probably tripple in size in there once you flower.
When flowering, ensure light is tight, wioth no leaks.


Active Member
yea at mo its in a pc grow box but theres no way ill be able to keep the sweet heart in there so i have set up a 6 foot cupbroad as well i just took ur advice and ordered another set of cfl bulbs and holders so i can have 2 on it when its outta veg stage i have 1 of my lizards spare heat mats in there for extra heat as well and a spare uvb blue bulb for extra blue light u no the ones that beardies have to have :) ive added a massive fan at the top and 2 small fans at the bottom to blow it in big fan to spit it out and i brought a cordless phone cheap 2nd hand one and cut the power wire as its got a volt control on it which i can speed or slow the fans down as needed

it was on 24 hours when in the lizard tank for obivous reasons thats whay i got a bit confused on times :) and i donno if mensioned its a single plant for first time but now its on its own and hide from visitors and the crickets that visit the lizards to stop them eatting it and now its coming though wanna give it a real good go at growing one.

i really appreciate the help :)

so its 18 / 6 from now as its about 3 cm above the soil


Active Member
Youa re in a pc grow, Irecommend 24 hrs light. Giving little guys 24hrs of light tends to make the space between nodes shoorter, hence a smaller plant with just as many bud sites. Do the 24/0 thing until you plants gets to be like 3 inches, maybe 5. The plant will probably tripple in size in there once you flower.
When flowering, ensure light is tight, wioth no leaks.

no its in the pc tower which is in side the cupbroad and the place were it is theres only a little 1 ft by 2 foot window and it never gets ne sun and nice blinds thats y i choose the room to pant in as its always nice and dark :) and away from eyes and im in a high rise block of flats so neighbours i dont have to worry about when im 12 floors up :)


Active Member
u mite wana go hps if youre gonna grow a bigger plant. the yeilds are much higher!

what watt hps for 1 maybe 2 on next grow would u recommend ? as i could get one next pay day once flower is mid veg stage

sorry for all the questions 100% total nub when it comes to this i got all the ionic food tho and spent hours on you tube and forum reading before i posted


Well-Known Member
what watt hps for 1 maybe 2 on next grow would u recommend ? as i could get one next pay day once flower is mid veg stage

sorry for all the questions 100% total nub when it comes to this i got all the ionic food tho and spent hours on you tube and forum reading before i posted
dont worry.
if youre in a small area with just a few small plants, id go for 250-400w.

any larger area id go for 600w. all depends on the space nd how much ur growing.