Confusion about flipping to flower - Weeks? Or months?


Well-Known Member
So I've been spending my entire freakin' weekends on this forum. I read about SCROG and etc. and it made sense to me to fill out the physical space for a couple of months, then flip to flower. Get some generous pots, let the plant fill those pots with roots, then go for it.

Lately I've read several comments about going to 12/12 at the 5th or 6th node. This is night and day from what I thought I understood. Does anyone have the time to explain why there are such completely different courses of action, and the pro's/con's of each?


Well-Known Member
In my opinion a plant needs to be mature to flip if you want the best quality and yield from your plant. Clones are all ready mature so it really doesn't matter as long as you have roots.


Well-Known Member
I am an advocate of the 5 -7 node. read it on sagarmatha (very reputable breeder) website. Each time I have done it, the plant has always ended up a very desirable size. Big plants don't get the light penetration indoors , so it makes sense to have smaller plants. Yeild not affected, just more economic , right size for the yield you are going to get. Other positives are, if you veg too long in too small a pot, you can and will get root bound which can cause nutrient lock outs.

This probably does not apply to scrog set ups. Or hydro set ups with adequate root space.

IMO flipping early does not inhibit yield, right now I got a plant I flipped at 6 nodes or so , 2 weeks veg and it is 4 feet after 2.5 weeks flower, and so many branches and budsites it's unreal. I think your yield is determined by genetics and light source.


Active Member
Depends on how much space you have. You can go 12/12 from seed if you want. Just remember, the longer you veg, the higher yield and more space you will need. I know the first 4 to 5 weeks of flower, you will still see a LOT of growth. I am on my first grow and one thing I learned is that I WAY underestimated how much they grow in flower and I have overcrowded my grow space!


Active Member
I am an advocate of the 5 -7 node. read it on sagarmatha (very reputable breeder) website. Each time I have done it, the plant has always ended up a very desirable size. Big plants don't get the light penetration indoors , so it makes sense to have smaller plants. Yeild not affected, just more economic , right size for the yield you are going to get. Other positives are, if you veg too long in too small a pot, you can and will get root bound which can cause nutrient lock outs.

This probably does not apply to scrog set ups. Or hydro set ups with adequate root space.

IMO flipping early does not inhibit yield, right now I got a plant I flipped at 6 nodes or so , 2 weeks veg and it is 4 feet after 2.5 weeks flower, and so many branches and budsites it's unreal. I think your yield is determined by genetics and light source.
Good stuff! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
People who use weak lights need to do extended veg times to spread the canopy because their light has very little penetration, hid growers dont need to worry about that near as much, they can do less training and grow taller plants resulting in a much shorter veg time with plants that are budded from top to bottom
People who use weak lights need to do extended veg times to spread the canopy because their light has very little penetration, hid growers dont need to worry about that near as much, they can do less training and grow taller plants resulting in a much shorter veg time with plants that are budded from top to bottom
Question, do you consider 400W MH a weak light although HID?