Congratulations -- Here's Your Speeding Ticket


Well-Known Member
So...I was driving here in my little Podunk town on one of the small local back roads to go and pick my Mom up from her hair appointment when all of a sudden a Sheriff appears in the other lane. As I pass him, I notice that I'm doing 20 over the speed limit :? oops. Look in my rear view, and he's definitely turning around and creeping up on me. As I slowed down to the normal speed limit, as well as coming to a complete stop at the upcoming stop sign, that's where he puts his lights on and pulls me over. We're talking tiny tiny small itty bitty local road, so really, I just stopped where I was since there's no shoulder to pull off on.

The pig himself was a giant cliche in his own skin -- big ass aviators, condescending tone to my violation, and of course, fat.

First ticket ever -- what a day it's already been; I'm ready to go back to bed...



Well-Known Member
yo man tell me about it.....what the fuck is it about little towns that makes cops like that? since i moved out here to this town i have gotten 3 speeding tickets all within 3 weeks man....i learned cruise control is my best friend.....idk what it is about cops man


Well-Known Member
yo man tell me about it.....what the fuck is it about little towns that makes cops like that? since i moved out here to this town i have gotten 3 speeding tickets all within 3 weeks man....i learned cruise control is my best friend.....idk what it is about cops man
Well, apparently, it's been a hot bed for cops in this town lately. I just moved back from Florida, where in the 2 years I lived there, I got pulled over for shit that I definitely should have gotten tickets for, yet, somehow, they let me off. This, although, yes, I was in violation, could have been a warning and a "slow it down" - kind of deal. I guess, I was just due...

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
small town police only do traffic stuff---no investigation bullshit---if you get in trouble it all came from a traffic stop :)


Well-Known Member
small town police only do traffic stuff---no investigation bullshit---if you get in trouble it all came from a traffic stop :)
Well he was a Sheriff -- but I was wondering if he was gonna try and pull some "let me search your car" kinda shit. If that had happened, I'da told him to kiss my ass. (Only cuz the car is clean, at the moment)


The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
learn the history of your small town from old timmers---bunch of movie style og shit going down right under your nose. This place is so lame---blah blah blah then the feds come in one day and take the county judge away :)


Well, apparently, it's been a hot bed for cops in this town lately. I just moved back from Florida, where in the 2 years I lived there, I got pulled over for shit that I definitely should have gotten tickets for, yet, somehow, they let me off. This, although, yes, I was in violation, could have been a warning and a "slow it down" - kind of deal. I guess, I was just due...

ahhh; my good ole hometown:-P... gotta love your local sherrif's department... if only it was the actual town cops:lol:; then i could fix it... sorry... how much over is the ticket??


Well-Known Member
learn the history of your small town from old timmers---bunch of movie style og shit going down right under your nose. This place is so lame---blah blah blah then the feds come in one day and take the county judge away :)
:clap:True dat! Actually, I have a feeling that the chief of police in my town here might actually smoke bud. Me and GoGrow know him -- He can back me up on it


:clap:True dat! Actually, I have a feeling that the chief of police in my town here might actually smoke bud. Me and GoGrow know him -- He can back me up on it

nah... he's never liked to smoke... i still think he may be "supplementing his income" though....:-P


Well-Known Member
Anyway -- So my court date is March 6, 2009 where I will plead mercy from the court and pray that they reduce it down and keep the points off of my license. First offense, so hopefully they'll take pity on me. Not holding my breath though


Well-Known Member
last time i got pulled over i had a pipe (half toasted bowl in it) and a couple grams of weed in my altoids tin.
three cars pulled up, they searched my messy-ass car and wrote me a ticket for insurance (no insurance).
then the Sgt. gave me my weed back and let me go back to work ( i was on my lunch break and had got pulled over for having some snow obscuring one of the numbers or letters on my rear license plate).

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
they were just being asses for that---I've been driving my truck around for years and you can't make out shit on my license plate from trailer tongs hitting it.


Well-Known Member
yeah I've been pulled over cuz I had a Packer's license frame covering my plate and it was "obstructing the view" for when my tags expired. No ticket or anything though -- just told me to get rid of it.