Connecticut Growers Read


Well-Known Member

If you are a CT resident then you already know that we have no good marijuana laws in this state. That being said, we are electing a new Governor in a matter of days and this is the seat in the local gov't that will have the most influence over CT's marijuana laws over the coming years.

There is 1 candidate that supports both medical legalization and also decriminalization (i.e. paying a fine for small amounts). Dan Malloy has come out and stated his opinion that he would pass bills for medical legalization and decriminalization. Tom Foley has eluded to decriminalization but does not support medical legalization. Neither candidate supports full legalization.

So, with that said, we need to get off our asses and vote Malloy this week if we want to see progressive marijuana laws start to occur in the state of Connecticut. Otherwise, we're just a bunch of whiney bitches that like to bitch about mj laws but not take the opportunities given to us to actually improve them. We get one shot at this people!

-Butters :bigjoint: