Connoisseur seeds genetics. Anybody grown?


Well-Known Member
I agree on the Cheesedog being worth growing....just did a smoke report on it.. also got 100% germ rate so far 16 for 16, and 4 out of 6 in the first batch was female. I just popped a full 11 pack, they just broke dirt.


Active Member
Growing out some OJ Haze right now. 6 for 6 germination. Vegged for 4 weeks, then topped, and are now on day 13 of 12/12. Hoping to see some signs of sex soon, but nothing firm yet. So far they're nice growing plants with no issues beside a bit of heat stress on the leaves closest to my 400 MH. I'll post picks if/when things get juicy, OJ?


Well-Known Member
My SSSDH is very dank smoke. Really great flavor and look and the high is very relaxing. If you meditate its great for gettin in the zen zone.