Conservatives are the American Taliban

Right up until the first megapastor is convicted of being on the wrong side of Jan 6.

The ruling that it was an insurrection per 14th amendment exposes any religious figure who provided material assistance.

(n. b. I did not sleep at a Holiday Inn Express)
i have serious doubts about anyone influential being prosecuted over the entire event...not that they don't deserve it, but more because they have 49% of the fucking government covering for them, since the insurrectionist were essentially their agents, acting on their behalf, and any admission of the insurrectionist's guilt would splash back all over the republicans like pissing into a strong head wind
i have serious doubts about anyone influential being prosecuted over the entire event...not that they don't deserve it, but more because they have 49% of the fucking government covering for them, since the insurrectionist were essentially their agents, acting on their behalf, and any admission of the insurrectionist's guilt would splash back all over the republicans like pissing into a strong head wind
I am still confident that DOJ has this, and they are beyond that influence ‘til at least ‘24.

Hearing Glenn Kirschner rage against their inaction is tough.
But then I remember that he sees the judicial world through the eyes of a Federal prosecutor. I think that invokes a human principle, one that lets me relax and wait:

To the man holding a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail.
They’ve got out the news story shotguns again trying to see what sticks.

Queue the migrant caravans in 3, 2, 1…
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Wasn’t the leading conservative argument for overturning Roe “states rights”?

We knew you were lying. No good can come from this.
The unholy triad of right-wing ideology in the US:

- small government/states’ rights
- weakening the firewall between church and state
- deregulating markets and corporations

These ideas are directly and powerfully opposed to a government by, for and of the people. In fact, they make straight a way toward frank fascism.

As such, calling them conservative is a lie and a con job. Conservatives are by nature not revolutionary.

Trolls both foreign and domestic flog the three points because a broken/theocratic USA is much less effective in its foreign policy. That Man and his Repug minions put the fact of it on floodlit display.