Considering buying a grow room tent...Please input!

Ok...well I checked around online and I was considering starting up another grow but wanted to use something I looked around and found SuperCloset...and now I am tempted to buy a 5x9 grow room. I dont know yet if I should invest on the one from supercloset or not...I read a few peoples reviews on it on this site and some were good and some were disasters...

If I do happen to buy one of these systems I would like to know what strain you much was your total yield after how many months and did you do anything special? like buy the CO2 thing and the nutrients from the same place? I just want advice before I invest 3000$...I want to make sure I'll make at least 5x that back in a good yield...

Any info would help! thank you


New Member
Your better off taking half that, and buy everything separate... And yield would be greater because you could always pimp your grow out. Spending 3gs for a limited space is not likely.

Plus, all those "grow rooms" that "pro growers" make are extremely over priced. Especially when they only used a grand to make it. Your paying for labor. Stoned lazy labor


Well-Known Member
Like said above. Build your own. A tent that size isn't something your going to hide. So save some cash by spending time and getting each item and building a room. Yeild has nothing to do with the room you get or build. It's how you grow. Much like having a fancy sports car or a older 4 door car. I got laid in the 4 door and chicks just wanted to look good driving around in the sports car.
Ok...but one issue...I dont own my own place yet...I'm considering moving into a house that I will rent and I need to make sure that...

1. No one can smell what I am doing lol
2. I can move it when I need to if I ever consider moving somewhere else...
3. Something I can take down quickly 10 minutes if I'm ever in a "bad" to be safe!
4. Last but not least...does what I need it to do and I will KNOW its done right.

Personally I dont have time to make my own grow room...true I could buy the tent and the hydroponic system rather easily...but my main worry is the lighting and the air flow...Hell i dont even get how I'm suppose to get the air flow in the gorrilla tent either D:< I've searched doesnt tell you anything about the air flow other than you have everything you need...BULLSHIT! Theres some catch to the air flow part of the either need a fan or to connect it to your air conditioning vent thingy from what ive seen people do.

If someone can enlighten me on how the air flow part works I might consider just setting up my own thing...but so far the 3g for something you gotta just put together seems pretty convenient...and if I make the money back anyways I dont really care how much it costs.

And last few things before i end much do you usually make off 12 plants in your grow room? I'm hoping for around 1.5-2lbs...if each plant gives at least 2-3 ounces
Do you use the "sea of green" method and start flowering at 6-12 inches? or let it get to 1-2ft then put it on the flowering cycle of 12/12? Whichever gives more bud is the one I want...I dont mind the longer wait if that is the case.

Sorry if I said anything newbyish...thats cause I am one ^_^


Well-Known Member
yea build your own, I did


much cheaper (if your creative) and you can get it exactly like you want it:


but to me (and no offend) it sounds like you need to do a lot more research, based on the questions you ask, I would advice you do a lot more before you spend 3000 $ and maybe start smaller, to go out and buy stuff for 3K and start a grow that big could easily "go wrong" if you have no previous experience growing .. at least don't expect to use 3K and make 15K back on your fist run,

maybe use 1K and get a few grows under your nails, maybe see if you can make 1-2K on your fist run then use em to upgrade it all with the new found experience you got ..

try this to start with:

can answer a lot of basic questions, and is nice and easy to look up stuff later on if in doubt ..


Well-Known Member
No tent comes down in 10 min. But I get your point. And a few answer will be answered if you click the link in my sig. I go over my problems and how I fixed them.
Ok true...10 minutes is a bit exaggerated but you go the point haha.

Also just to let you know if you read the original post I did have 2 other grows that yielded pretty well for me...I just never knew about this site at the time~

I have the experience with something in soil but hydroponics is a new ballgame to me and I'd very much more prefer getting into this than having to worry about things dying while im out of town for a few days :/

The only thing that worries me with the tent is the air flow...If I understood how it worked before I bought it I'd love to post my progress on it on this place! As long as I dont have to worry about getting in trouble xD...I am kinda curious if anyone has ever gotten in trouble from this site >.>


Well-Known Member
this might help ?


tho with big HID light/s I would for sure add a cool hood in between the filter and ventilation, so you pull the air through the hood and cool the bulb and remove the hot air right away, will make a much more trouble free grow and yield better as you are able to keep the light closer with a air cooled hood ..

and here is a few more "sheets" that might come in handy for you later on ? dunno if you have any of em, but since you just discovered this site you might not ?

View attachment 2379580View attachment 2379581View attachment 2379582View attachment 2379583View attachment 2379584phChart.jpg

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
Ok...well I checked around online and I was considering starting up another grow but wanted to use something I looked around and found SuperCloset...and now I am tempted to buy a 5x9 grow room. I dont know yet if I should invest on the one from supercloset or not...I read a few peoples reviews on it on this site and some were good and some were disasters...

If I do happen to buy one of these systems I would like to know what strain you much was your total yield after how many months and did you do anything special? like buy the CO2 thing and the nutrients from the same place? I just want advice before I invest 3000$...I want to make sure I'll make at least 5x that back in a good yield...

Any info would help! thank you
6 posts . . . . Hmmmm it looks like you want everyone to do your homework. Research goes a long way my man. Start small and learn the ropes before you jump in the deep end. Like everything it takes time.


Well-Known Member
Just FYI, I bought a much smaller grow tent, 2x3x5.5, for aesthetic reasons but also because I thought if my landlord ever has to come in because he needs to see something in the apartment I could quickly move it to the bathtub and get it out of sight.

Now that I've had a little experience (and I do mean a little, as in 1.5 grows!), I can tell you even with a tent that small I'm not hiding nothin'. I would have to have at least 3-4 hours notice AT NIGHT so I could disassemble everything, MAYBE hide the equipment in pieces somewhere, but the plants would have to be thrown out in the city bin, which means a trip outside AND accepting that the grow is over, no matter what the stage.

Once you actually amass the equipment and supplies needed for a tented indoor grow, you're pretty much labeled as a grower, even if it is only two plants. JMHO.


New Member
Just FYI, I bought a much smaller grow tent, 2x3x5.5, for aesthetic reasons but also because I thought if my landlord ever has to come in because he needs to see something in the apartment I could quickly move it to the bathtub and get it out of sight.

Now that I've had a little experience (and I do mean a little, as in 1.5 grows!), I can tell you even with a tent that small I'm not hiding nothin'. I would have to have at least 3-4 hours notice AT NIGHT so I could disassemble everything, MAYBE hide the equipment in pieces somewhere, but the plants would have to be thrown out in the city bin, which means a trip outside AND accepting that the grow is over, no matter what the stage.

Once you actually amass the equipment and supplies needed for a tented indoor grow, you're pretty much labeled as a grower, even if it is only two plants. JMHO.

Exactly, and like said above, a little homework, and your good. If you don't have time for homework, or to set up a grow space, then you probably shouldn't be growing. Especially hydro that takes alot of time and effort to understand COMPLETELY. And if yor willing to spend 3 grand on a grow, just go to your dealer and get a pound, then you don't have to wait to crop and you'd be smoking by now. Plus, that pound would have you smoking for a year (exaggerating) as apose to spending 10 years in prison cuz you wanna ask other people how to grow and you don't wanna learn yourself.

And this guy is right!!!
I have 2 tents and a cuboard (in appartment) and trying to figure out the closet thing (killing me)
But if ANYONE wanted to come in here. I'm done. I'd be fucked royaly. My family too.
Luckily... No one comes in here (: buhahahahH


Well-Known Member
Overspending on grow supplies. New growers frequently commit themselves to unrealistic and expensive first grows. It is much more efficient to learn to grow and then invest in high end equipment rather than the other way around. Most experienced growers don't have room for all of the grow paraphernalia they aren't using. As you will see *K-I-S-S.


Well-Known Member
And if yor willing to spend 3 grand on a grow, just go to your dealer and get a pound, then you don't have to wait to crop and you'd be smoking by now. Plus, that pound would have you smoking for a year (exaggerating) as apose to spending 10 years in prison

I have 2 tents and a cuboard (in appartment) and trying to figure out the closet thing (killing me)
But if ANYONE wanted to come in here. I'm done. I'd be fucked royaly.
Ditto, ditto. The electric starter on my stove just stopped working this week and I'm now going to have to light my burners and oven with a match for the next four months. Hopefully nothing else will happen in here. I'm in a studio, so there really is no place to hide.

At the same time, two heroin dealers moved into an apartment in my building and have been causing all kinds of trouble, so by comparison I still look pretty clean. :) Not that that will appease my landlord in anyway, but it makes me feel better. "At least I'm not like THOSE guys!" LOL


New Member
So you want to be a big cash cropper with a 5x9 and yet have no skill as shown .. Time to read and fuck up a few small grows before you loose 3k and burn your home down !


Active Member
Ok...well I checked around online and I was considering starting up another grow but wanted to use something I looked around and found SuperCloset...and now I am tempted to buy a 5x9 grow room. I dont know yet if I should invest on the one from supercloset or not...I read a few peoples reviews on it on this site and some were good and some were disasters...

If I do happen to buy one of these systems I would like to know what strain you much was your total yield after how many months and did you do anything special? like buy the CO2 thing and the nutrients from the same place? I just want advice before I invest 3000$...I want to make sure I'll make at least 5x that back in a good yield...

Any info would help! thank you
An automated tent? Dont let the vendors online sucker you bro, you can buy everything seperately like the previous posters said, youll save some good money. Also, its a hell of a lot cooler when you put it all together yourself. LED lighting is the best for tents because there is no heat, especially when the exhaust is on all day. If you get HPS lighting your exhaust will be working hard to pull that hot ass air out from the tent, caused by the HPS bulb. Best place to get your grow equipment is on eBay from a reputable seller.

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
An automated tent? Dont let the vendors online sucker you bro, you can buy everything seperately like the previous posters said, youll save some good money. Also, its a hell of a lot cooler when you put it all together yourself. LED lighting is the best for tents because there is no heat, especially when the exhaust is on all day. If you get HPS lighting your exhaust will be working hard to pull that hot ass air out from the tent, caused by the HPS bulb. Best place to get your grow equipment is on eBay from a reputable seller.
Key word you used, " LED lighting is the best for tents. . . If you get HPS lighting your exhaust will be working hard. . ." False. I'm not here to bash you but you can use HPS bulbs in a tent a keep it cool and a can fan does do it job to pull out hot air out as long as you have the right cfm's for the proper light wattage.


Rebel From The North
I have a buddy that uses his tent as a paint booth :) so if you keep some paint stuff around all you would have to do is pull
the plants and there you go! Your a painter now! Lol