Considering PC Grow - Advice Needed


Hi guys!!! Sick of never being able to get a decent smoke so ive decided to grow my own. Due to job/partner commitments the only feasible way for me is a pc grow. I am thinking of this setup (Complete Beginners Hydro Pack at £320.)

I am a complete noob but have many friends who already grow and give me advice etc. Im looking for advice from anyone that has used a similar setup. The questions i need answering are:

1. Has anyone used this exact setup? Was it a success etc.
2. Do i have to use LowRyder seeds due to the height restrictions.
3. How much realistically could i get per crop from such a small setup.

Many thanks and happy smoking! :)


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!!! Sick of never being able to get a decent smoke so ive decided to grow my own. Due to job/partner commitments the only feasible way for me is a pc grow. I am thinking of this setup (Complete Beginners Hydro Pack at £320.)

I am a complete noob but have many friends who already grow and give me advice etc. Im looking for advice from anyone that has used a similar setup. The questions i need answering are:

1. Has anyone used this exact setup? Was it a success etc.
2. Do i have to use LowRyder seeds due to the height restrictions.
3. How much realistically could i get per crop from such a small setup.

Many thanks and happy smoking! :)

honestly PC grows are just more of somthing to do for fun your never goin to yield anything that would make it worth trying unless your are only doing it for fun....Now if you just want to do it for fun then ya its a fun little hobby to grow in a PC but if you are growing not for fun but for product to smoke or sell then PC grow is a waste of time you will yield the same and spend as much as if you just went and bought some weed from your dealer and its alot easyer......If you really want to have some product to smoke and spend less then what you yield then you will need a real set up....dosent have have to be crazy big and complicated but its gotta be bigger then a tiny little plant in a tiny little PC case......Hope that helps point you inthe right direction.....


Active Member
Look up rjcw2 on youtube. Dude can show you how to build a larger, but still inconspicuous grow box. It's a 24 video tutorial that tells you every step to build a stealth grow box. I was going to go this route, but then I just cleaned out a closet because I can get away with it.