Considering small cabinet CFL grow, few ?'s


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, looking into a different style grow than my previous here. Last time I did a DWC hps/mh and turned my walk-in closet into a grow room. To big and labor intensive for my taste. Not to mention hard to hide. This time im going small, CFLs and soil. Less labor, easier to hide.

Basically looking to do a PC size grow doubled.. if that makes sense. I am thinking of making it a fake nightstand or something.

Anyway, im thinking about building a cabinet thats about 32"-36" Tall x 24" Wide x 20" Deep or so. Thinking 1 to 2 plants. Most likely fueled by 6 to 8 CFL's of the 26 watt variety. Ill paint the inside of it flat white for my reflective surface, mylar is just such a pain in the ass to me sometimes. I didnt really have to vent my old grow room, since the area was air conditioned and smell wasnt that big of a deal, but this go round its the other way. I need to vent this box, but without the light of god shining out the back of the box. If someone can offer some insight into this venting issue, please let me know. I think I know how im going to do the intake, but the exhaust is whats getting me.

Would I be able to fit 2 plants in there and get a half way decent harvest? Or would I better off going with one plant?

I tried to search for a grow of this size and type, but was unlucky in my searches. If anyone can offer some help, please let me know!

Also random thought, my strain of choice is going to be Nirvana Blackberry. Saw this bud one time last year, the most beautiful color ever. :weed:


Well-Known Member
You can probably hook up a carbon filter of some kind off of the exhaust. This will eliminate smell, and cut out any light thats leaving through the exhaust. If you want check out my pc build thread in sig, might give you some ideas, not as tall as what your looking for but its almost as long and wide.. Even with a height of which your looking your probably gonna want to do an LST or SCROG.

John Jacob

Active Member
doing the same kinda grow.. basically gutted my dresser and re attached the outter part of the shelves to make it look normal from the outside. anyway Ive scrog before but with a bigger box and it seemed that I didnt need all that extra height. so you should be good. If your lookin for a decent yeild I would either sog a bunch of tiny plants or scrog like one bigger size plant or 2 mediums. If you scrog correctly (which really isnt that hard) your yeilds should be fine just fine. I got 3 oz off one plant first scrog i did so gl!


Well-Known Member
I had no problem fitting two plants in a cardboard box the size of what you are saying (I used 6 CFLs), your only concern would be the height, which can be controlled by topping and LST.

Here's the link If you want to check it out, just posted it today.
Excellent! That really helped me. Can you tell me the dimensions of that box you used? I did some more investigating and I think im changing my project around slightly. First off my box will be a little bit smaller than I was thinking, more in the 26"H x 18"D x 14"W world. I can play with the height some, but probably not a whole hell of a lot. At the absolute most, probably another 6 inches is as far as I can go up with it. Also going to be using at least 6 CFLs, if not more. Will for sure be LST/SOG if I decide to do more than one plant. I think I could easily fit 2 plants if I top and LST. Still thinking about those Nirvana Blackberry, but not 100% sure.

Most likely Ill build the Box out of MDF. Paint the inside flat white and the outside flat black and perhaps some design or something.. so it doesnt just look like a random wooden box in my closet.. lol. The new area Im thinking about housing it also makes it easier to deal with venting and light. It doesnt have to be 100% quiet just not super loud. I can exhaust out the back towards a corner of the closet you cant see unless you actually look in it. Intake can either be on the side or front.. probably the side though.

Im looking forward to this so much! I might even try to get the box itself built and fit by the time I leave to go to Atlanta to see Roger Waters.

As far as nutes and such go, I think im going to use FarmFarm soil and nutes.. they seem to be a crowd pleaser. Other than that...


Well-Known Member
Ok so.. plans are officially being set in motion now. Need to go to lowes and grab some MDF unless someone can mention somethine else better to make a cabinet out of. While im there im also going to get light fixtures, wires, glue, and paint. I would like to get the box finished this weekend. Ill try to get some pics up of what I have brainstormed. Will update soon!