Constant interruption of light


Hey there,

If i was in the 3rd of my veg cycle and it kept getting interrupted what permanent damage would i be looking at?

vegging under a 200w envirolite and turning on a 6am, turning off at 11am and turning back on at 6pm till 12 at night. (thats the 18 hours it should be on)



Active Member
Your plant won't react well to this. It needs the 18 hours straight so it doesnt trigger flowering. Maybe you should just go 12/12 from start if it'll work out better for you. Otherwise you're looking at getting Hermaphradites most likely.

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
you change the light schedule to induce flowering by tricking the plant into thinking that it is fall time. By doing this multiple times a day you will confuse the plant to the point of survival, in which case it will hermaphrodite to insure future reproduction of itself (not many plants around the world are capable of this). like stated above, if you have to, keep your light schedule at 12/12 with very little variation and you should be fine, if you don't be, prepared to have to de-seed your crop when it's done and cured.