The nozzle is a flat fan which is rotated axially at 120rpm but can go as fast as 3500rpm. The chamber dimensions/volume were geared to match the nozzle. The chamber is octagonal which is almost as good as a circle but still a pain in the arse to build compared to a square/rectangle. The nozzle is controlled by timer that fires up the rotation prior to the mist pulse and continues to rotate it after the mist pulse ends, ensuring the nozzle speed remains stable throughout the mist pulse. The nozzle height is adjustable and as the flat fan can be orientated horizontally, vertically or anywhere between the two, you have almost total control over the coverage. The mist itself is delivered in waves, so a 1 second mist pulse at 120rpm measured at any fixed point in the chamber will provide 2 passes of mist seperated by 0.5 second, increasing the nozzle rpm increases the number of passes and reduces the liquid delivered by each pass even though the total overall liquid delivered during the misting pulse remains the same.
With multiple nozzles, the origin of the mist is fixed, you`ll have overlapping mist patterns along with currents (air/mist) moving in different directions and speeds, aka, no hope of perfect control.
In a typical chamber (AA or HPA), some roots will always be closer to a fixed nozzle than others. Regardless where you put the nozzles, the roots actively try to seek them out (mist source). With this design they all have exactly the same distance to travel which is considerable even in a straight line that defies gravity. I`m optimistic they wont even attempt it as they`ll be too busy enjoying the mist thats arriving on their doorstep.
Here`s a nozzle rotation test i did to check the timer function, the (full cone PF) nozzle was a just stand-in for the one that will be used. No air was connected for the test but you`ll hear the solenoid click twice which signifies a 2 second mist pulse, the nozzle rotates for 2 seconds before/after the mist, then shuts down automatically and waits for the pause duration to expire.
Here`s the predicted (direct) mist coverage before it disperses. The total amount of liquid in the "doughnut" can be set as low as 0.27ml, about 1/20th of a teaspoon.
Here`s the chamber, not made of the most liquid friendly framing material but it`ll be ok for short term testing. If all goes to plan i`ll replace the frame with stainless steel.

With multiple nozzles, the origin of the mist is fixed, you`ll have overlapping mist patterns along with currents (air/mist) moving in different directions and speeds, aka, no hope of perfect control.
In a typical chamber (AA or HPA), some roots will always be closer to a fixed nozzle than others. Regardless where you put the nozzles, the roots actively try to seek them out (mist source). With this design they all have exactly the same distance to travel which is considerable even in a straight line that defies gravity. I`m optimistic they wont even attempt it as they`ll be too busy enjoying the mist thats arriving on their doorstep.
Here`s a nozzle rotation test i did to check the timer function, the (full cone PF) nozzle was a just stand-in for the one that will be used. No air was connected for the test but you`ll hear the solenoid click twice which signifies a 2 second mist pulse, the nozzle rotates for 2 seconds before/after the mist, then shuts down automatically and waits for the pause duration to expire.
Here`s the predicted (direct) mist coverage before it disperses. The total amount of liquid in the "doughnut" can be set as low as 0.27ml, about 1/20th of a teaspoon.

Here`s the chamber, not made of the most liquid friendly framing material but it`ll be ok for short term testing. If all goes to plan i`ll replace the frame with stainless steel.

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