Contact Obama about his reaction to legalizing marijuana


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one that sees taxing a moderately addictive substance to solve the budget prroblems the government created in the first place as immoral?
I don't want to make this into a pot is addictive debate, I think we can all agree in some way it has a special place with us that any other good (tv computers cars) cannot fill. I also don't support states raising tobacco and alcohol taxes to fund their stupid programs. Any tax is stupid. Sin taxes are dumber. Excessive energy consumption taxes are the dumbest.

you mean like alcohol ?


Well-Known Member
I think it would be more logical to tell Obama to quit being a fuckin Nazi,instead of worrying about weed,you poor misguided soul....
First of all this site is about weed, so why in the hell would I mention any other problem I have with his actions or decisions? Second, I didn't start the thread for your opinion... I started it to get the american people on this site (who obviously like weed or they wouldn't be here), to take action. Thanks for your opinion about me though.


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys and gals but this guy is a pollation and they are full of false will never be legalised you are fighting a legal system that is anti drugs it will not happen more folks should take a look at the dutch criminal system not very often anyone is raped why is this?because prostitution is legal.same has cannabis there are no dealers why is this?because you just nip to your local coffee shop and buy the weight you should be getting for your money.this also cuts out all the criminal attivaty with organised gangs selling cannabis and other drugs to fund organised crime gun crime bombings of innocent people just going about there day to day jobs.pisses me of that the peoples voice is no longer heard and if it is then it is muffled.The health issues also are unreal i heard a pollatition say that people smokeing cannabis that has got fibre glass on it is there own doing no one forced it on them.Comeing from the prime minister of the uk photo's all over with him drinking a pint of beer alcohol causes more deaths in the uk and all over the world than cannbis i bet.


Active Member
Obama isn't going to change a thing. He hasn't changed anything yet. He is a great liar. He has certainly proven that. If you support him because you think he brings 'hope' or 'change', you're an idiot. If you think he's any different from Bush, you're an idiot.


New Member
I was no fan of Bush, but he didn't set out to sink the US ship in his first 100 days... so there is a difference there. Holey moley, this guy is killing us all. Lets' not forget Congress either...:roll:.... who are rubber stamping our destruction.