container question?


Active Member
I agree on the grow bags. i'm using 'smart pots'...which are these heavy felt grow bags. Because they are soft, growbags work well because you can mold and squish them to fit your space perfectly.very cool. smart pot link:

also...another option is to use a 5 inch jiffy pot...about the same size as a beer cup...but with drainage.



New Member
Hi SyNiK4L

I'm no fan of CFL's, I tried them and I was disappointed. Good for starting from seed. I'm sure there is a 1,000 people out there who will say I'm full of Sh&t! Your plants look healthy and have a nice green color. The only problem is, they should be twice as big by now. Just not enough lumens, that's all. I'm a hard core loady from the 70's, I burned 5 oz in 3 months.
3 White Widows and one G13 Power Skunk. All 4 were 32" plus and a foot or so wide, under 430w hps. If an 8th lasts you a month, you will do just fine using CFL's...:joint:

r u talking to me? they are not all 5 weeks old...jus the one and the reason its not tall is because i had the lights to close to it and it wasnt growing up it was growing fatter. i hear what ur saying but its working out fine for me and i have 7 plants so im not gonna end up with an 8th....or r u confusing me with the person that started this thread

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
Hi SyNiK4L

I was just reading your posts and I noticed you kept asking for feed back on your pictures.
So I did what you asked and gave an opinion, but as the saying goes, " Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one, and they all stink!" LOL
No offence or disrespect was meant...


New Member
haha i gotcha man i didnt think u were disrespecting..i just didnt know if u were actually talking to me or if u got me confused with the person that started this thread because this isnt my thread...prob woulda been better off writing that in my thread hahah..peace man