contaminated weed please help


hi every body. ive just bought some weed which looked really good stuff but when i smoked it, it almost imediantly made me ill. ive been sweating buckets for two nites. it also contained glass which made me feel like crap, but can any one tell me what chemical these sick bitches could have sprayed on it?
please help as im obviously very worried!


Well-Known Member
Some people use fibreglass (loft insulation), spray with sugar water, spray with salt water, some people say that they spay it with crack to get you addictted but i have resservations about that. The list is endless, if it dissolves in hot water they use it to bump up the weight. Sorry buddy cant help any more. NEVER BUY MARIJUANA, GROW IT, ITS FAR MORE ADDICTIVE THAN ANYTHING ELSE. where you live is it west yorkshire?


no i live further west than that pal. i only dicovered it had a chemical kind of taste after vaporising it, and my tonge went numb. im just a bit worried about long term damage.


Well-Known Member
find the tosser who sold it to you and smash seven shades out of him,
QFT :clap:

I've never got contaminated weed, but if I did... I would call buddy back and tell him how good it was, and that I wanted an ounce... He'd show up, and he'd get shit kicked by me and some buddies.

As the poster above said, grow your own shit.


ha i like your style! i have two lowryder 2's that have just started flowering as my first grow. ill never buy weed again! does any body know where i could get this shit tested? (without getting done)


Active Member
The only two real possibilities are mold and the weed being laced. There is no such thing as contaminated weed unless an HIV positive person bleeds all over your stash. Odds are the person who you bought it from (or their connect) laced it with a narcotic or amphetamine. Withdrawals suck, eh?


bud bootlegger
i have read a ton about this weed running rampant in the uk in weed world magazine.. makes me sooo glad that i don't live in the uk.... it seemed like it was a pretty big problem for awhile from all that i have read and all.. they even have a ton of videos about it on you tube.. alot of people speculate that it is some kind of glass to add weight to the buds.. pretty sick shit imho.. wish these sicko's would either get busted or get caught doing it by the wrong person who would teach them a proper lesson..
from everything that i have read about it, the buds look great, but when you feel them, they kinda feel crunchy from whatever it is that they are spraying on the buds, and the recomend not smoking any of this crap, so long as you catch it before you smoke it..
i don't remember what issue of weed world that it was that had the article in it about this crap, but i am sure you could google it and find it as well as the ton of videos on youtube..
i would say stay away from this crap, i imagine that is easier said than done, but always look at and touch your weed before even attempting to smoke it, especially in the uk with the crap so rampant.. i had kinda thought that it had died down a little, but i guess it is still out there..


The only two real possibilities are mold and the weed being laced. There is no such thing as contaminated weed unless an HIV positive person bleeds all over your stash. Odds are the person who you bought it from (or their connect) laced it with a narcotic or amphetamine. Withdrawals suck, eh?
well its been laced with something that seems poisoness but it defo aint amphetamine! i'd love to know what tho.
if it was VERY high dollar smoke, i would say ur toung went numb from either coke, or the baby laxitive the scum bags cut it with, if it were me, i would call buddy back, and stretch him out, like we do in the mountains. or, i would invite him to smoke with you, pack up some "one hitter" bong rips, make your something diffrent, and pack the poison weed for him, so he can share in your glory, bottom line is, if i got sick from bud, he would bleed, just me......good luck, and good health. cheers.


ha. that sounds like a good idea getting him to smoke it weather he knew or not. my chest and throat are real sore. i feel like such a mug. never again!


Well-Known Member
it could be paraquat spelling may be wrong. There was a lot of that in the 70 & 80's