
Well-Known Member
Cool Idea. I'm defiantly entering this contest. This is my first real grow. I will however not use cfl's again (at least not for the flowering phase) Anyways, here goes nothing... Tell me what you think...:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
OK, now for the info.

- Lighting Setup (amount of bulbs etc..) = Quick answer, 21. Long answer, 4 florescent tubes, 4 "spot lights" 2 directly on top of the 2 plants and 2 on bottom, 12 hanging and one big ass one in the center it's a 66watt

- Spectrum used / PAR, if known = ???

- Wattage used = all toll, 523watts (Not equivalent, but actual watts)

- Reflector used = 4, 2 on top and 2 on bottom

- All photoperiods (veg, flower, any additional changes during veg or flower) = ???

Next grow, I'm keeping the 4 tubes and the 2 on bottom, dropping all the other cfl's and going over to a 400watt HID!!!


Well-Known Member
Blue Cheese, from seed. Veg 3 weeks using 200w Envirolight + 9 weeks flowering with 200 W Envirolight (red for flowering)



Active Member
Looking good, Budforless, glad to see some decent looking buds from cfls . what strain is that? I understand why you wont be using cfls again though. so much hassle of moving them around . my friend has a cfl set up which i was checking for him when on holiday. He's just bought a metal halide (a great idea in my opinion) growth just seemed soooo slow.

lucky cat by the way ;)

Gorlax, that blue cheese looks the shit! waht medium you growing in, soil?


Well-Known Member
ok, these are CFL buds from my first grow.

smallest one is indica, bigest is indica/sativa 50/50 i guess, dont know for sure.

smallest one is some TASTY ASS SHIT! best bud i had ever smoked in my life!:joint::mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Guys, it's lovely when you post pics, but please remember to include the information for the contest. Comon nemad, I mean those are some dank looking nugs of nugs, you gotta let us know how you did it!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Have you posted anything on the CFL forum I linked in my previous message? Those CFL Crew members over there are pretty good people with good information and are all about CFL growing. No reason to be calling someone out. They are there and for real!

:peace: out


Well-Known Member
Looking good, Budforless, glad to see some decent looking buds from cfls . what strain is that? I understand why you wont be using cfls again though. so much hassle of moving them around . my friend has a cfl set up which i was checking for him when on holiday. He's just bought a metal halide (a great idea in my opinion) growth just seemed soooo slow.

lucky cat by the way ;)

Gorlax, that blue cheese looks the shit! waht medium you growing in, soil?
:leaf: Thanks for the complement. Strain is that wonderful "bag seed", and yes adjusting the lights is a big pain in the ass. Another problem with cfl's is they don't penetrate far enough down the plant. I have a book by SeeMoreBuds called "Marijuana Buds for Less" and in that book he states "cfl's are not good for plants over 20 inches" Well my plants are like 5 feet. If I hade enough room on the sides of the plants I could position the lights along the side, but as you can tell from my pics, I cant do that... :leaf:


Active Member
here's my setup
2 24" growth floro's, 2 cfl's 26watt (one daylight and one soft white)
I used schultz 20-30-20 when vegging, and Miracle grow 15-30-15 for flowering. Oh yeah when vegging i used another 2x24" grolux floro's and 2 daylight cfl 26watt
these pics are from the 4th week of flowering(and after i decided to trim the fan leaves :(, theres an open discusion on that lol) so far i'm starting week 6, the buds are bigger and have slowly started to turn brownish. I'm guessing i have about 2 weeks left in my grow. I'll post pis of the buds when i've trimmed them



Active Member
Have you tried what i did, line the sides with floro's i ahve the same issue with space, but grolux floro's provide a perfect spectrum of light, and they dont take up alot of room, it would give you plants exactly what they need


Well-Known Member
Have you tried what i did, line the sides with floro's i ahve the same issue with space, but grolux floro's provide a perfect spectrum of light, and they dont take up alot of room, it would give you plants exactly what they need
:leaf: Actually I have. It's kinda hard to see in the pic, but if you look closely you can see 2 in the back and the start of 2 on the door (the door is open but I caught the start of those 2 on the side of the first pic.) Its just hard always adjusting the lights. And from what I have herd and seen, I can go over to a 400 or 600 watt HID and have 1 light to adjust and that light will penetrate all the way down the plant. I'm not totally complaining, but I just think an HID would be easier and provide "Better BUD" However, for veg, I think cfl's are awesome. There cheaper to run and they throw more than enough light. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
well im not really here to enter the contest for i know i would not win lol but this was my first grow, bagseed and i got some very nice crystaly dense thick buds. Just thought id show my pics :) 3 plants 10 cfls, 8-26watts, and 2-42 watts shitty pics but hard to take em so the best i got ;)


Active Member
wow girldatgrows that bud looks awesome, what was your final weight? Im on my first grow at the moment, using a 250watt red spec cfl for flowering, strain is Big Bud Northern Lights, nutes are bcuzz A+B, soil is Bcuzz, i vegged under a 150watt blue spec cfl for 5 weeks. Shes been flowering for 7 days now :D, here are some pics, there not that good but its still early lol