Continual Harvest good or bad?


Hi everyone, new to growing but not to consuming. I planted my first seeds last August, I have been doing a continual harvest, I put 1 or 2 plants into flower each week, and harvest 1 to 2 plants each week. I usually have 6 to 8 strains in the room at a time and have grown 14 strains since i started. I like this method because it gives me a steady supply, no massive harvests and most importantly variety. Most of my friends feel i should not be continually harvesting and should focus on a couple strains. I joined here to see what more experienced growers think of my methods and if i should switch or not.
the most important thing is that you're happy with your product. if you are happy, then nothing else matters.

what i will say is that there is wide genetic variation even in properly made seeds. what usually happens is that one of the beans you pop will make you happier than all the others and then you will clone it and just run that cut. people refer to this as "finding a keeper"

cloning is easy and growing from clone is generally quicker because the plants are already sexually mature as soon as they're rooted. If you're avoiding it for some reason I would recommend giving it a try with one of your favorite plants. It's easy!
the most important thing is that you're happy with your product. if you are happy, then nothing else matters.

what i will say is that there is wide genetic variation even in properly made seeds. what usually happens is that one of the beans you pop will make you happier than all the others and then you will clone it and just run that cut. people refer to this as "finding a keeper"

cloning is easy and growing from clone is generally quicker because the plants are already sexually mature as soon as they're rooted. If you're avoiding it for some reason I would recommend giving it a try with one of your favorite plants. It's easy!
I only use seeds when i introduce a new strain i usually pop 3 seeds and take clones of all 3, whichever seed produces the best weed i keep those clones and destroy the clones from the other 2. I have a couple keepers now but am in search of more, ideally about 6 is my goal. I am continually swapping out strains in search of my next keeper. So far my keepers are Granddaddy Black and Sour cookies, have 3 new strains near harvest i am hopeful for.
Thanks for responding.:)
Hi everyone, new to growing but not to consuming. I planted my first seeds last August, I have been doing a continual harvest, I put 1 or 2 plants into flower each week, and harvest 1 to 2 plants each week. I usually have 6 to 8 strains in the room at a time and have grown 14 strains since i started. I like this method because it gives me a steady supply, no massive harvests and most importantly variety. Most of my friends feel i should not be continually harvesting and should focus on a couple strains. I joined here to see what more experienced growers think of my methods and if i should switch or not.

Don't worry about what your friends think. If they want to grow the same strains over and over then they can. I grow different strains every grow because I like variety. I'm not interested in growing the same thing over and over. I did that years ago and cloned and grew the same strain for years. It was a great strain but I'll never grow that way again. I like having a dozen jars of different strains on the shelf.

Just keep doing what you're doing if that's what you want to do. It's your grow. Your friends can do whatever they want. That's if they even grow.
I'm using the same method as you, and I love it. Variety is the spice of life. If your friends have so much input on your grows, maybe ask them to chip in for the hydro or water bill? ✌️
Thanks for all the great input. My friends are outdoor growers and have been growing the same high yielding strains for years, they do an awesome job on it but I get tired of the same strains all the time. After buying medical weed online for years I got accustomed to having multiple strains available, going back to just a couple would be hard. Quality and Variety is more important to me than yield, I guess growing a years worth of weed outdoors would make yield more of a priority.

also would click like on your posts but cant figure out how yet lol