First I want to apologize for losing my cool you guys frustrated me with your lack of concern for the patient and the rampant greed. Shame on you and me!! So let us talk about what my mission was and this will be the last post of personified.
Psychological Warfare and Subliminal messaging
- Have you ever noticed in our society that it is all ways the crack pot that gets noticed?
- I had an interview with the Wildcat as that crazy pot activist.
- What was the theme of all of my posts?
- Have a plan!! I have been working on mine for 4 years not just to win a lottery and a monopoly. Notice my profile date? I have been watching everyone for years.
- Learn the law – good for you irieie
- Find loopholes in the law such as the reservation has patients and you can continue to grow.
- There still is a war on drugs and the only way to win is take the money you the consumer control the market. If you continue to grow a free market will prevail.
- Help your fellow man do not do it for the money. If you do it for the right reasons the money will come.
- All ways in business try to think of a win-win situation
- Nobody deserves anything until they earn it
- Challenge the government at all levels they are against us we are just people on a bigger reservation being oppressed.
- Do not degrade someone instead teach them something. Knowledge is power!! You want to help someone? Teach them how to help themselves.
- What I was looking for? Why Harbor side is the best mode!!
- Someone as passionate as me
- A medicine man with knowledge of the body, diets, and natural medicine.
- Not a grower instead a teacher. As a grower you have only the value of your presence at that time, which can be easily replaced, as a teacher your value would have been priceless. The scale was set up to reward teaching and supervision to encourage growth and a vested incentive for that growth.
- Some one that was not in it for the money instead for the patient.
- I especially was looking for someone that was from Arizona so that I could help someone local not everyone from cali and col that have benefited from this for many years. Instead I wanted the money to stay local and maybe had any knowledge of the nation so they could help train them.
I know this will probably get deleted and flamed. Does not matter at this point I will no longer be around I do not see anything I want in my organization. I do wish you all the best and please do continue to grow we need an open market. If you can help an Indian just do not mess with the nation.
See you guys in the market live long and prosper!!