Continue Growing after Dispensaries - Patients and Address Availble

It is just economics and where as a consumer you want to spend your money. Spend it with people that are trying to undermine you or spend it on yourself. If we can hold out one year after grow rights are quashed then we have a good chance to see them fail after two years of little profits. It takes money to pay the bills and they are all ready out of pocket a lot of money.
15 a gram is mainly what everybody charges, so how is that cheap ? Plus most people i know buy more than a gram at a time so its cheaper than that. It would take so long to sell 10,000 grams You did not account for your patients free meds. IMO its going to be moving to $10 dollars a gram standard.
There is something wrong with every one of your numbers except your self reported yield with no mention of quality or repetition of process Therein.
Why are you growing 18 plants ? You should be growing a full 12 for each assigned patient and yourself.

You say you harvested 18 ounces off 18 plants, let's see it. If hour basing a years worth of production you must show atleast one cycle.

You report 8 week cycle but say there is 2 week veg time so which is it? Do you have separate veg area is that two weeks from cuts? Do you keep dedicated mothers?

If you are reporting 117 total ounces then that equals 3322.8 grams there are 28.4 grams to an ounce, this again is a clear sign of your ignorance and naivete.

Now we get to your ridiculous 15 per gram wholesale price. Now this estimation alone almost kept me from even responding to your post. This nuamber really shows how ignorant and uneducated you really are. You have no clue about either the market, the definition of wholesale, or both most likely.

Keep imagining because that's the only place this shit makes any sense.
There is something wrong with every one of your numbers except your self reported yield with no mention of quality or repetition of process Therein.
Why are you growing 18 plants ? You should be growing a full 12 for each assigned patient and yourself.

You say you harvested 18 ounces off 18 plants, let's see it. If hour basing a years worth of production you must show atleast one cycle.

You report 8 week cycle but say there is 2 week veg time so which is it? Do you have separate veg area is that two weeks from cuts? Do you keep dedicated mothers?

If you are reporting 117 total ounces then that equals 3322.8 grams there are 28.4 grams to an ounce, this again is a clear sign of your ignorance and naivete.

Now we get to your ridiculous 15 per gram wholesale price. Now this estimation alone almost kept me from even responding to your post. This nuamber really shows how ignorant and uneducated you really are. You have no clue about either the market, the definition of wholesale, or both most likely.

Keep imagining because that's the only place this shit makes any sense.

Hmmm the price is what I was told by the dispensary of 15-30 per gram.

No I have someone supplying my clones so I can do the full 72. You do know I currently have 5 additional patients? Ok I am figuring on 28 grams in projections one actually goes lower. It is always better to be more than less. I also think I showed projections on .25 an ounce per plants.

What can I get it on the street with competition at this time vs when there is no compettition? Currently I am paying $200 an OZ Which is my point iriie.... now we have competition. Later we will not and they are going to rape us. I want pricing to stay low!!

I want you guys to continue to grow.....I want the dispensaries out of business!!!!!
There is something wrong with every one of your numbers except your self reported yield with no mention of quality or repetition of process Therein.
Why are you growing 18 plants ? You should be growing a full 12 for each assigned patient and yourself.

You say you harvested 18 ounces off 18 plants, let's see it. If hour basing a years worth of production you must show atleast one cycle.

You report 8 week cycle but say there is 2 week veg time so which is it? Do you have separate veg area is that two weeks from cuts? Do you keep dedicated mothers?

If you are reporting 117 total ounces then that equals 3322.8 grams there are 28.4 grams to an ounce, this again is a clear sign of your ignorance and naivete.

Now we get to your ridiculous 15 per gram wholesale price. Now this estimation alone almost kept me from even responding to your post. This nuamber really shows how ignorant and uneducated you really are. You have no clue about either the market, the definition of wholesale, or both most likely.

Keep imagining because that's the only place this shit makes any sense.
I can't even make it through a sentence or two of his posts, but you broke it down pretty good, none of it made any sense my head started to hurt
Competition is not going anywhere no matter what anyone thinks. If that dispensary is paying 30 a gram wholesale then sign me up they can take all my excess.

First I want to apologize for losing my cool you guys frustrated me with your lack of concern for the patient and the rampant greed. Shame on you and me!! So let us talk about what my mission was and this will be the last post of personified.

Psychological Warfare and Subliminal messaging

  1. Have you ever noticed in our society that it is all ways the crack pot that gets noticed?
    1. I had an interview with the Wildcat as that crazy pot activist.
  2. What was the theme of all of my posts?
    1. Have a plan!! I have been working on mine for 4 years not just to win a lottery and a monopoly. Notice my profile date? I have been watching everyone for years.
    2. Learn the law – good for you irieie
    3. Find loopholes in the law such as the reservation has patients and you can continue to grow.
    4. There still is a war on drugs and the only way to win is take the money you the consumer control the market. If you continue to grow a free market will prevail.
    5. Help your fellow man do not do it for the money. If you do it for the right reasons the money will come.
    6. All ways in business try to think of a win-win situation
    7. Nobody deserves anything until they earn it
    8. Challenge the government at all levels they are against us we are just people on a bigger reservation being oppressed.
    9. Do not degrade someone instead teach them something. Knowledge is power!! You want to help someone? Teach them how to help themselves.
  3. What I was looking for? Why Harbor side is the best mode!!
    1. Someone as passionate as me
    2. A medicine man with knowledge of the body, diets, and natural medicine.
    3. Not a grower instead a teacher. As a grower you have only the value of your presence at that time, which can be easily replaced, as a teacher your value would have been priceless. The scale was set up to reward teaching and supervision to encourage growth and a vested incentive for that growth.
    4. Some one that was not in it for the money instead for the patient.
  4. I especially was looking for someone that was from Arizona so that I could help someone local not everyone from cali and col that have benefited from this for many years. Instead I wanted the money to stay local and maybe had any knowledge of the nation so they could help train them.

I know this will probably get deleted and flamed. Does not matter at this point I will no longer be around I do not see anything I want in my organization. I do wish you all the best and please do continue to grow we need an open market. If you can help an Indian just do not mess with the nation.

See you guys in the market live long and prosper!!

First I want to apologize for losing my cool you guys frustrated me with your lack of concern for the patient and the rampant greed. Shame on you and me!! So let us talk about what my mission was and this will be the last post of personified.

Psychological Warfare and Subliminal messaging

  1. Have you ever noticed in our society that it is all ways the crack pot that gets noticed?
    1. I had an interview with the Wildcat as that crazy pot activist.
  2. What was the theme of all of my posts?
    1. Have a plan!! I have been working on mine for 4 years not just to win a lottery and a monopoly. Notice my profile date? I have been watching everyone for years.
    2. Learn the law – good for you irieie
    3. Find loopholes in the law such as the reservation has patients and you can continue to grow.
    4. There still is a war on drugs and the only way to win is take the money you the consumer control the market. If you continue to grow a free market will prevail.
    5. Help your fellow man do not do it for the money. If you do it for the right reasons the money will come.
    6. All ways in business try to think of a win-win situation
    7. Nobody deserves anything until they earn it
    8. Challenge the government at all levels they are against us we are just people on a bigger reservation being oppressed.
    9. Do not degrade someone instead teach them something. Knowledge is power!! You want to help someone? Teach them how to help themselves.
  3. What I was looking for? Why Harbor side is the best mode!!
    1. Someone as passionate as me
    2. A medicine man with knowledge of the body, diets, and natural medicine.
    3. Not a grower instead a teacher. As a grower you have only the value of your presence at that time, which can be easily replaced, as a teacher your value would have been priceless. The scale was set up to reward teaching and supervision to encourage growth and a vested incentive for that growth.
    4. Some one that was not in it for the money instead for the patient.
  4. I especially was looking for someone that was from Arizona so that I could help someone local not everyone from cali and col that have benefited from this for many years. Instead I wanted the money to stay local and maybe had any knowledge of the nation so they could help train them.

I know this will probably get deleted and flamed. Does not matter at this point I will no longer be around I do not see anything I want in my organization. I do wish you all the best and please do continue to grow we need an open market. If you can help an Indian just do not mess with the nation.

See you guys in the market live long and prosper!!
Maybe your intentions were great but look at where you are posting... You are posting in the land of inflated egos, dick measuring contests and . If you reasonably laid out your expectations right from the get-go, perhaps you would have had a better response.

A few people on this board have been ripped off by wanna-be MMJ industry insiders, and see the future of our MMJ program held in balance by greedy dispensary owners with very little lack of knowledge for medicine or growing. Excuse us if we aren't jumping right on board with the new flavor of the month, most of us have been there done that and heard just about every lie and mis-truth that can be perpetuated.

It seems like the beliefs you outlined in this last post directly parallel my own, but unfortunately for the last couple weeks you never made that clear, it felt much more as if you are trying to ruffle feathers on these boards.

To me, your words don't mean shit or for that matter really anyone else on this forum. If you offer high quality organic cannabis, and have a true passion for providing that to patients, then our paths will eventually cross.

And as far as education goes, if you really had been lurking around here for the last 4 years you would known just how stubborn these idiots are on this board. As an educator (in multiple fields), I simply don't offer knowledge or education to ANYONE on these forums anymore, there's no point in helping those that will not listen or help themselves.

Good luck with your future, whatever that may bring.

First I want to apologize for losing my cool you guys frustrated me with your lack of concern for the patient and the rampant greed. Shame on you and me!! So let us talk about what my mission was and this will be the last post of personified.

Psychological Warfare and Subliminal messaging

  1. Have you ever noticed in our society that it is all ways the crack pot that gets noticed?
    1. I had an interview with the Wildcat as that crazy pot activist.
  2. What was the theme of all of my posts?
    1. Have a plan!! I have been working on mine for 4 years not just to win a lottery and a monopoly. Notice my profile date? I have been watching everyone for years.
    2. Learn the law – good for you irieie
    3. Find loopholes in the law such as the reservation has patients and you can continue to grow.
    4. There still is a war on drugs and the only way to win is take the money you the consumer control the market. If you continue to grow a free market will prevail.
    5. Help your fellow man do not do it for the money. If you do it for the right reasons the money will come.
    6. All ways in business try to think of a win-win situation
    7. Nobody deserves anything until they earn it
    8. Challenge the government at all levels they are against us we are just people on a bigger reservation being oppressed.
    9. Do not degrade someone instead teach them something. Knowledge is power!! You want to help someone? Teach them how to help themselves.
  3. What I was looking for? Why Harbor side is the best mode!!
    1. Someone as passionate as me
    2. A medicine man with knowledge of the body, diets, and natural medicine.
    3. Not a grower instead a teacher. As a grower you have only the value of your presence at that time, which can be easily replaced, as a teacher your value would have been priceless. The scale was set up to reward teaching and supervision to encourage growth and a vested incentive for that growth.
    4. Some one that was not in it for the money instead for the patient.
  4. I especially was looking for someone that was from Arizona so that I could help someone local not everyone from cali and col that have benefited from this for many years. Instead I wanted the money to stay local and maybe had any knowledge of the nation so they could help train them.

I know this will probably get deleted and flamed. Does not matter at this point I will no longer be around I do not see anything I want in my organization. I do wish you all the best and please do continue to grow we need an open market. If you can help an Indian just do not mess with the nation.

See you guys in the market live long and prosper!!

WE are amused some times
WE have to spread a little shit to plant a seed