Continue Growing after Dispensaries - Patients and Address Availble

I would think if YOU want studies done YOU should pay for them. Not the caregiver who is providing free medicine. I don't think you will raise much this way i think you would be better just asking for donations for MMJ studies. Do your doctor friends care about it at all ? Why don't you ask the to donate there time for these studies ??
This is just another "business" plan by another loser piece of shit who tried to grow and realized not just any retard could do it. Then they try and weasel their way into growers pockets or more likely other loser pieces of shit who have not realized the above lesson. The worst part is that added fee will mostly go to the piece of shit and not to the native american patient who is taking the risk. These pieces of shit fuck both people and then use some bullshit to distort why they are not such a piece of shit and justify their actions to themselves.
Do my freinds care at all? Well here is my answer to you on that in several forms.

1) I am a computer person that does networking for a variety of other doctors. For all of you that think Obama care is going to work well look to Canada. All of them that use to come here to get medicine because free ia not available when they needed it.

I am now watching these same doctors flee the scene. Why? Simple!! While someone else thinks it is the right thing to do not one of these doctors went to school 8, 10, 15 years to work for free. The person I know who is the most influencial goes to Europe and other countries on the talk circuit on health tours he has been known to cure cancer with kelation and is a big proponent in food health. Especially a ph balance diet and cause and effects from the lack there of. He has over 60 years doing it and the man is a fricking genius. I do not know what kealation is so do not ask.

He litterally makes 250K plus a year doing the circute 4 times a year. Then he has his pracice which Ihave no idea how much he makes but he has two naturopaths ansd 2 chiropractors at his office. He is both a Naturopath and a Chiropractor as a matter of fact he was doing chiriopractic before it was recognized.

This is a prime example of why greed is good. Greed motivates us to provide a service that is worth our time and devotion. Only altruistic people I have heard of are gandhi and mother teresa. The trick is balancing it with a free market.

Why do these doctors owe you anything for me trying to get studies done. Will free pay there liability insurance? Will free put food on their table? Will free pay the rent? Basically if I am taking a doctors time for something that means they are not making money any somewhere else.

So when you can not get adoctors appointment for months and when you do they tell you take two aspirin in the morning and make another appointment. You will know why. What is all ready starting to happen is a two tear system. One if you have cash you can get right in the other is you wait. The reason why? While doctors charge alot when billed through medicare they gt pennies on the dollar. Compound that with our government is going to set prices doctors do not make that much. SO FREEE NEVER WORKS UNLESS THERE IS SOME REVENUE IT WILL ONLY FAIL.

2) Why should you pay for the studies? You should not if you do not want to. That is what makes the free market work. You as the consumer can make a choice not to participate.

Your Op.....

Your signature - !!!!!!!!! FREE THE WEED!!!!!!!!!

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Created on: 09-Aug-10
Expires on: 09-Aug-13
Last Updated on: 20-Jun-12


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Thank me for your SEO increase and the backlink...
See, there is all the delusional bullshit he tells himself and probably believes on some level. His distortion of the situation turns him into a righteous and humble hero using his exceptionalism to help save the world one patient at a time. He even believes has own bullshit that he will do some peer reviewed double blind study.
Great thanks try and contact me with that infromation. If you want to contact me with REAL INFORMATION that is a good number not the false infromation listed.

I am not sure what that was suppose to accomplish? Call the number on the site I listed above. It is routed through an voip to me so I can controll every aspect of my phone and mostly avoid solicitation and stupid calls. I am a computer nerd do you think I am stupid enough to let my real information go out to be spammed and marketed to through phone soliticitation?

That business is what is allowing me to do this for free!! Thanks for the advertisement and the link to my website from google. This site is heavaliy indexed by google and a link like that is powwerful for Search Engine Optimization. Thanks!!
You never answered the question....LOL Any ways if some a doctor put together studies that in fact showing medical uses for marijuana are applicable and was published and accepted by the medical community. I think that doctor would have a lot to gain and many more opportunities $$$ then. IMO of coarse.
Everyone masters something in life or many things... You are not a grower we all know this...

Your plan will not work.. Time to hit the drawing boards again

First step to dealing with ADHD - Calm down. Next think slower. Lastly don't post crazy ideas on the internet... I respect opinions but you can not be 100% serious. If you are mate. You surely need help. I am not for separating folks over some BS or misunderstanding.

With that being said, why not start a caregiver collective for these patients? If you are truly compassionate about helping folks the hate should help you form a well rounded plan that will work. Where there is risk there is reward. I see the risk out weighing the reward with your current idea with the Indians... So maybe a more comprehensive approach maybe setting up a collective (far from Indian rez) and having your patients come to you, skip delivering. Don't ask and only seek Indian patients. If they are Indian so be it but don't approach the situation with the ideology that you currently have been using. Not going to work IMO.

I don't support you nor do I condemn your actions... In the long run we are all fighting for Cannabis. Your approach is by far different. And I can respect that.

A close friend and I have been taking notes and doing our own research on the different strains and their medicinal properties. You would be surprised how many Docs don't realize there are different Cannabis strains that have a medicinal property that another strain may not have. This should be mainstream knowledge but it is not. By the time she gets her NMD in Az she will have studied different strains and their medicinal properties in hopes of publishing articles in support of cannabis. So all the parts in the whole can one day come together.

What kind of research are you doing?
You never answered the question....LOL Any ways if some a doctor put together studies that in fact showing medical uses for marijuana are applicable and was published and accepted by the medical community. I think that doctor would have a lot to gain and many more opportunities $$$ then. IMO of coarse.

Actually that is a very astutue observation I will own that information you are correct. Imagine if I could generate enough money from that information to dump an entire marijuana market with free medication. Think about the price of medicine then!! Now your starting to understand the big picture. Awesome!!

Everyone masters something in life or many things... You are not a grower we all know this...

Your plan will not work.. Time to hit the drawing boards again

First step to dealing with ADHD - Calm down. Next think slower. Lastly don't post crazy ideas on the internet... I respect opinions but you can not be 100% serious. If you are mate. You surely need help. I am not for separating folks over some BS or misunderstanding.

With that being said, why not start a caregiver collective for these patients? If you are truly compassionate about helping folks the hate should help you form a well rounded plan that will work. Where there is risk there is reward. I see the risk out weighing the reward with your current idea with the Indians... So maybe a more comprehensive approach maybe setting up a collective (far from Indian rez) and having your patients come to you, skip delivering. Don't ask and only seek Indian patients. If they are Indian so be it but don't approach the situation with the ideology that you currently have been using. Not going to work IMO.

I don't support you nor do I condemn your actions... In the long run we are all fighting for Cannabis. Your approach is by far different. And I can respect that.

A close friend and I have been taking notes and doing our own research on the different strains and their medicinal properties. You would be surprised how many Docs don't realize there are different Cannabis strains that have a medicinal property that another strain may not have. This should be mainstream knowledge but it is not. By the time she gets her NMD in Az she will have studied different strains and their medicinal properties in hopes of publishing articles in support of cannabis. So all the parts in the whole can one day come together.

What kind of research are you doing?

All right now HBdc we are making progress. Tell the little cyber bullies to go away!!! I am not and never will be intmidated. PLEASE!!

A collective is an excellent idea!! In my plan is an entire Indain collective that is for the medicine not the money. It is a wonderful plan based on family taking care of family members and their community. Then with all the extra medicine that is grown dump it on the market for free.

Yes I am not a good grower compared to you all yet my genreating a 1/2-1 oz off 18 plants every two weeks is enough to take money from the dispensaries/clubs. Just think what will happen when I have another year under my belt. Then imagine a scenario with little pods generating pounds and giving it all away.

Now for studies I have to have a wide sample other wise it is not a study. I have no intentions of leaving anyone out I want everyone to benifit I just need to generate a lot of medicne at low low low prices. This plan does that because greed is not the motivation health is!!! Remeber good business is a win win situation.

You see I was a victim of the war on drugs and a felon in my youth. If I were to get caught distributing anything I will lose everything I have tried to accomplish.

Lord knows in the 40 years I have been smoking I have never bought an illegal bag so I do not condone any illegal activity. Yes I realize that it is possible that some of the medicine these caregivers grow may end up on the open market.

I also realize it may keep market prices even….. I can't control that. They that do that however... BE CAREFUL and must realize if they do.... especially up in Phoenix Joe Arpiao DON'T PLAY. He is my hero!! I know that is not to popular but again I am a leader not a follower I do not surcome to peer pressure.

So it took me a minute to understand my part in the movement. What skills do I bring to the table? Who do I know that has the respect of the community to change things? How can I help a community that has been destroyed by our greed?

How can I take a win win win situation and get one more win? Easy dump a market straight out of the Obama/George Sorrows play book. I have embrassed the idea of controlling markets in my favor.

The law was written for people that are trying to make money stopping other people from making money and the only people that suffer are the real patients. Now I do not play monopoly but if I am forced to then I play to win. The free market always will trump regulation because the consumer makes the choice.

If you as a consumer had a choice between free and $15-30 a gram which will you choose. Until then all the superstar growers can continue to grow and maybe they will donate medicne to support the cause.

Any way you slice it I win and never distribute anything illegally and help a lot of people. They neveer expected someone who is not doing it for the money only the ones trying to get rich. FREE MARKET FLAWLESS VICTORY!!! That is my final win! Nothing personal it is just business!!
That post made me think of this
All right now HBdc we are making progress. Tell the little cyber bullies to go away!!! I am not and never will be intmidated. PLEASE!!

A collective is an excellent idea!! In my plan is an entire Indain collective that is for the medicine not the money. It is a wonderful plan based on family taking care of family members and their community. Then with all the extra medicine that is grown dump it on the market for free.

Yes I am not a good grower compared to you all yet my genreating a 1/2-1 oz off 18 plants every two weeks is enough to take money from the dispensaries/clubs. Just think what will happen when I have another year under my belt. Then imagine a scenario with little pods generating pounds and giving it all away.

Now for studies I have to have a wide sample other wise it is not a study. I have no intentions of leaving anyone out I want everyone to benifit I just need to generate a lot of medicne at low low low prices. This plan does that because greed is not the motivation health is!!! Remeber good business is a win win situation.

You see I was a victim of the war on drugs and a felon in my youth. If I were to get caught distributing anything I will lose everything I have tried to accomplish.

Lord knows in the 40 years I have been smoking I have never bought an illegal bag so I do not condone any illegal activity. Yes I realize that it is possible that some of the medicine these caregivers grow may end up on the open market.

I also realize it may keep market prices even….. I can't control that. They that do that however... BE CAREFUL and must realize if they do.... especially up in Phoenix Joe Arpiao DON'T PLAY. He is my hero!! I know that is not to popular but again I am a leader not a follower I do not surcome to peer pressure.

So it took me a minute to understand my part in the movement. What skills do I bring to the table? Who do I know that has the respect of the community to change things? How can I help a community that has been destroyed by our greed?

How can I take a win win win situation and get one more win? Easy dump a market straight out of the Obama/George Sorrows play book. I have embrassed the idea of controlling markets in my favor.

The law was written for people that are trying to make money stopping other people from making money and the only people that suffer are the real patients. Now I do not play monopoly but if I am forced to then I play to win. The free market always will trump regulation because the consumer makes the choice.

If you as a consumer had a choice between free and $15-30 a gram which will you choose. Until then all the superstar growers can continue to grow and maybe they will donate medicne to support the cause.

Any way you slice it I win and never distribute anything illegally and help a lot of people. They neveer expected someone who is not doing it for the money only the ones trying to get rich. FREE MARKET FLAWLESS VICTORY!!! That is my final win! Nothing personal it is just business!!

You are a dangerous moron....STFU with your stupid bullshit.
How a little can be a lot. We have all ready determined I am not a good grower yet I have demonstrated I can generate an oz per plant. With only an ounce per plant at $15 a gram I can affect this much change. My costs are only $300 a month compared to the amount of change I can make. I will spend the money for 3 growers out of pocket my self. The estimate below is only for one.

[TABLE="width: 553"]
[TD]Number of Plants
[TD="align: right"]60
[TD]Avg Grow Weight
[TD="align: right"]1
[TD]Grow Weeks Avg
[TD="align: right"]8
[TD]Grow Cycles in a Year
[TD="align: right"]6.50
[TD]LBs Annual
[TD="colspan: 2"]Avg Weight in Oz's Annual
[TD="colspan: 2"]Avg Weight in Grams Annual
[TD="colspan: 2"]Whole Sale Price per gram
[TD="align: right"]15
[TD]Whole Sale per Gram
[TD]$ 163,800.00


Then think about those still growing what they are not spending I have affected a profit margin dramatically.
You basically pulled those numbers out of your ass. Now you just look like a crazy person ranting on the corner.
Ok then lets look at what I am doing right now with my SOG at 1 oz per plant which seems reasonable I have all ready done it.

[TABLE="width: 553"]
[TD]Number of Plants
[TD="align: right"]18
[TD]Avg Grow Weight
[TD="align: right"]1
[TD]Grow Weeks Avg
[TD="align: right"]8
[TD]Grow Cycles in a Year
[TD="align: right"]6.50
[TD]LBs Annual
[TD="colspan: 2"]Avg Weight in Oz's Annual
[TD="colspan: 2"]Avg Weight in Grams Annual
[TD="colspan: 2"]Whole Sale Price per gram
[TD="align: right"]15
[TD]Whole Sale per Gram
[TD]$ 49,140.00
[TD]$ 49,140.00


This is with 2 weeks veg. Imagine if I had three pods with one for clone one for veg then grow.
What woud the a CG grower get on his return for the amount not spent at the dispensary.

[TABLE="width: 553"]
[TD]Number of Plants[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]12[/TD]
[TD]Avg Grow Weight[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]1[/TD]
[TD] 12 [/TD]
[TD]Grow Weeks Avg[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]8[/TD]
[TD]Grow Cycles in a Year[/TD]
[TD] [/TD]
[TD="align: right"]6.50[/TD]
[TD]LBs Annual[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Avg Weight in Oz's Annual[/TD]
[TD] 78 [/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Avg Weight in Grams Annual[/TD]
[TD] 2,184 [/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Whole Sale Price per gram[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]15[/TD]
[TD] Whole Sale per Gram [/TD]
[TD] [/TD]
[TD] $ 32,760.00 [/TD]
[TD] $ 32,760.00 [/TD]
What if the grower only did a 1/4 a plant a cycle
[TABLE="width: 553"]
[TD]Number of Plants[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]12[/TD]
[TD]Avg Grow Weight[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]0.25[/TD]
[TD] 3 [/TD]
[TD]Grow Weeks Avg[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]8[/TD]
[TD]Grow Cycles in a Year[/TD]
[TD] [/TD]
[TD="align: right"]6.50[/TD]
[TD]LBs Annual[/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Avg Weight in Oz's Annual[/TD]
[TD] 20 [/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Avg Weight in Grams Annual[/TD]
[TD] 546 [/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Whole Sale Price per gram[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]15[/TD]
[TD] Whole Sale per Gram [/TD]
[TD] [/TD]
[TD] $ 8,190.00 [/TD]
[TD] $ 8,190.00 [/TD]