Continues growing


Well-Known Member
I have a plant that had some new growth at the bottom, and after cutting all the buds off at harvest time, I threw the plant outside and its slowly revegging..


Well-Known Member
your are both right...
you can take the whole plant and put it back under veg lighting conditions. (18-24 hours lights on.. I would go 24/0 for a re-veg)
You can also leave a few buds on the bottom of a harvested plant, trim back it's roots, and throw it under the above lighting.
Marijuana is a photo sensitive plant.. which means, that it will determine it's phase of life directly in relation to the amount of daylight hours it recieves.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
You can do it but in my experience the time to grow baqck is slow and the yield small. I think it's better to start anew.


Active Member
ya a buddy of mine wasnt able to get his fully grown again for 6 months! and tht was with HID lighting soo if its a plant u fell in love with and can see killing go ahead just dont expect smoke for atleast 6 months...:leaf:


Active Member
not all strains will take the stress of a reveg
some just die
some take 40 years
some (most) take 2-5 weeks depending directly on how deep in flower she was
some will reveg with a small leak in you room

also, many strains are adversely affecyed for future generations from the stress an will be more banana prone having revegged

if you can get a new cut, get a new cut - otherwise, yes - just put it back under at least 16 hours light a day and it SHOULD reveg