Continuing Problems - Hydro.


Active Member
Ive had nothing but trouble from my plants this grow, firstly the clones all but died and I was able to ressurect 3 of them and get them rooted in rockwool cubes, once they were stable I potted them in 50L pots under a small 400w HID at a distance and started them on nutes. (canna grow) A+B @ 180ml / 50 litres or 800ppm.

I am also using roots accelerator at 15 mL and Drip Clean at 5 mL.

Everything went well for the first 4 weeks when they all started turning yellow, the new leaves on the top of the stems went first and seemed to be yellowing form the inside out. I flushed with pure water and ran them on fresh water for a whole feed cycle then started again on the nutes.

They never came back from there, now I have had them in grow for about 16 weeks and they just arent doing anything, one is Yellow all over, one is spindly and weak and one is ok but its starting to go yellow again with the same symptoms as before.

I have tried everything from adding epsom salts to cure Iron deficiency, Im adding N aswell to the feed in liquid form and also foliar misting them with weak N solution in water to see if that helped, their growth is stunted and and they havent really done anything in last 4 weeks. Their stems and trunks are rubbery and when I bent one over it just stayed there and hasnt tried to right itself, also the stems are a reddish colour?

I ahve just taken clones off them and am about to turn back to get what I can off them and then bin them.


1 Have they been in to long and are now just completely fucked?
2 If they were bad clones to start with will I have the same trouble this time around?
3 What does yellowing from the inside out mean?

Ill post up some pics as soon as I can get in there.



New Member
OK ... you are using Canna products. These products are indended for use with regular tap water. Are you using RO water by any chance ... cuz if you are, that's your problem.



Active Member
Nope I was using rain water to start with but I ran out and started using normal tap water, normal water here has a TDS of 350 so I was making up my nutes to 1350 - 1400 gradually.

Pics now added.


Well-Known Member
what's your pH? How far away, exactly, is your HID light? it looks like light bleaching but we should rule out any deficiencies first and knowing your pH should help with that.

i'm not sure how you're measuring the PPM but the total PPM is your nutes PLUS what the tap water reads. So if your tap water is 350 (which is high) and you want your PPM to be 1000, you'll add only 650 PPM worth of nutes - does that make sense?

anyway - if you pH isn't between 5.5-5.8 then i would suspect some nute deficiency - otherwise it looks like light bleaching - here's a page that might help identify the problem...
Marijuana Plant Abuse


Well-Known Member
Hi Icon, was that a typo when you state that you are running 5ml of drip clean?!
That's supposed to be .5ml per 4 litres! Just making sure;)



Well-Known Member
goto the link that email468 posted and you will find your plant problem there under ZINC issues. Looks like you have a zinc defiency. Read about both defiency and toxicity and see how to repair your girls.

Once you gain the balance for you girls back allow them time to recover from the stress. I used Canna during my hydrogrow and loved it. The most effective way I found to keep the ph and food at the correct levels was to use no more than 20ml per 5 gallons of water. If less water then less canna. However the tricky part is to only use 20ml even if you have 6-8 gallons of water.

keep us posted


Active Member
My ph is always between 5.4 and 6.2 as directed on the bottle, Im using dripclean at the recommended dosage aswell and take great care in making sure I have read the label and directions.

My light arent that far away, about a foot distance normally, my hand wont get hot if I keep it at plant level for a minute or so.

Ive had a look at that link, yeah looks like zinc to me, ill see if I can fix it.!


Well-Known Member
you may want to consider using RO water or switch your nutes to one that has a hard water formula if your problem continues.


Active Member
Im goingto buy some Grow nutes today, I normally use Dutch Master but Ill have a look at whats available and see if theres a better one. I have also added some rock juice and some heavy weight in the reccomeneded dosages and will see what effect that has.

Im more in to experimenting at the moment with these as I have pretty much written them off and dont really care about them, will try a few things and see what happens.:)