Contributing pics on my 1st grow


Active Member

Hello everyone!
Just a couple of pics of my 2 remaining White Widow girls. Out of 5 regular seeds, these were the only 2 females. They are about 2 1/2 mos old. I live in California, along the southern coast. Up until a week ago, we still had cloudy mornings of what we call the marine layer...coastal onshore clouds that block direct sun until sometime in the afternoon.
They are planted in Foxfarms soil (the ocean-something'orother kind) and once a week have been getting a dose of Miracle Grow. It had the highest nitrogen numbers I could find out of anything Home Depot was carrying. They are just begining to bud and are true girls...thank God, lol. That was a lot of money for seeds that produced and learn.

My son told me these ladies are really going to start stinking. I hope they don't roust the curiosity of my neighbors...although I'm certain the neighbors close to us won't be a problem....I don't want them stolen. Hopefully, any amature thief will not want to deal with 2 big dogs.

Anyway, thanks for looking....and thanks to all the wise contributers who have helped me get this far.

Edited to add: Just to clarify, I have a med. card, so that's also why I don't worry too much about neighbors. But I always worry about thieves.