Controlled Environment Agriculture by Shrubs

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
The veg room is complete, the last step was installing ventilation
in order to cool my hoods, the room was sittin at 85 degrees. I have a
4 amp swamp cooler in there cooling and adding some humidity, current
climate conditions are 76*F 30%RH


Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Happy turkey day to you as well my friend....Have an awesome one

Ohh, it was amazing. I had such a nice time. Hope yours was great as well.

Let's finish the 1800w!!! Pleeeeaaase : )
=) everyone will be happy to know how big of a day today is, il be chopping the rest of my
CSD's as well as chopping all of the plants in the warehouse. Il be posting the finishing pics of them
ASAP. Stay tuned

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Yet another disaster strikes the life of Shrubs.

I had arranged for a personal friend to tend to my 1800W home garden.

I get in to my house this morning, open my grow room and the AC is off,
so the temp is 95F........... VOMIT

The plants are bone dry, the CSD's which hadn't been cut yet are falling over, dead.
I chopped them, and they are now drying, I'm not sure how much production they lost,
but they still look extremely dank.

The 4SD's are like candy canes drooping more than I've ever seen a living plant. I am going
to apply water and ferts to them and see what their condition improves to. If it is not to my liking
I will chop them and start over.

I can't even express my feelings, lol. I don't want to take pics, let alone show them to you all.

I am however, trimming the CSD's which I had chopped before I left, and they are dank, I'll try and snap some
close ups of them.

-shrubs- >:(


Well-Known Member
Major bummer, vacations always scare me lol At least your at the very end of your cycle, it will still be dank.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Major bummer, vacations always scare me lol At least your at the very end of your cycle, it will still be dank.
Ya, I don't want to allow this event to overshadow the great time I had, but at the same time I lost
a percentage of this harvest, and possibly the whole next cycle. But ya. I'm trimmin some fire right now.

Never again!


very sorry for ya shrubs. I know the pain and the only thing that will remedy it is another dank cycle. Don't let it get you down too much. Stay up... way up


New Member
Ya, I don't want to allow this event to overshadow the great time I had, but at the same time I lost
a percentage of this harvest, and possibly the whole next cycle. But ya. I'm trimmin some fire right now.

Never again!
Can't let what is not in your control get to you bro..... Although I do know your pain as I lost almost 3/4 of my last harvest to Botrytis:-(:dunce:

It'll work out...don't lose your friendship over it...can grow more bud, but friends are rare

Take care my friend


Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Ive trimmed the 3 premature CSD's and have recieved 8 ounces off of them.

With 5 more now drying and being much larger, i am comfortable saying i should
yield 1.5 lbs. Not only that but it is the chronic!!!



New Member
Ive trimmed the 3 premature CSD's and have recieved 8 ounces off of them.

With 5 more now drying and being much larger, i am comfortable saying i should
yield 1.5 lbs. Not only that but it is the chronic!!!
What can I say but BAD FUCKING ASS LOOKING BUDS!!!!!:clap:

Smoke on my brother...smoke on



Well-Known Member
sorry to hear that your buddy didnt come thru i have had that happen. by the way hove location dont have to worry bought roomy, that shit had me a little paranoid so i moved them b4 they got to old. they are looking good now im guna try and get another journal going when i do ill hit u up with a link. better luck with the next batch but that looks like some fire. should smoke good i like mine a little early; only a couple ambers mostly cloudy.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
hey shrub you ride mary jane winterpark much?
Yeaa, I lost some bud production as well as some cannaboid/terpene production. Who really knows
how much... But I do know I'll gladly take 1.5lbs off these 8 plants.

Never ridden WP/MJ, I tear up Keystone, A-basin, Vail, Beaver and Steamboat..

Ha, word. The next round willl be sick, no more perpetual, I'm gonna have 18 plants in my
1800W office.

The Warehouse will have 180 flowering plants, 180 vegging