Convict Kush!!!~~~~~1200 watt grow!!!


Well-Known Member
Lol, nah but they arent very alive... :( i dunno man i just havent been home enough to tend to them :(


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA, well now that the rest are gone im gonna try to revive them.. they dont look too bad actually.. Ill take pics tomorrow


Well-Known Member
hey J, quick question.

do plants kindof start to auto prune themselves in early flowering. since i started floweirng my very bottom leaves have started to yellow, wilt and fall off.

i water with epsom salt and im almost positive it isnt PH related.


Well-Known Member
hey J, quick question.

do plants kindof start to auto prune themselves in early flowering. since i started floweirng my very bottom leaves have started to yellow, wilt and fall off.

i water with epsom salt and im almost positive it isnt PH related.
yea man.. once plants get older they will often shed their younger leaves.. it usually happens in flowering when you have some type of deficency, usually nitrogen.. but its not too big of a problem if they are yellowing slowly.. try giving it some N


Well-Known Member
ok. i gave em a shot of my jacks classic which is 20-20-20 today in their watering. next watering ill give them a full serving just to offset that a lil bit.


Well-Known Member
my bad, ditty. just checked my jacks and yup not organic. man see what not smoking MJ does to people. makes em all crazy haha.

but jacks is very light on plants. supposedly, as the manufacturers say, its very difficult to burn with it.


Well-Known Member
Ohhh, ypu can burn easily with it. I FRIED some WW and Blueberry a long time ago. Just start in small amounts. 1/4tsp 1/2tsp 1tsp ect*


Well-Known Member
ya i did. and WW is such a sensitive strain IMO. mine burned like hell while i was gone was only feeding it 1/5 teaspoon of open sesame.