You 2 still going at it lol.
You really should just ignore each other
next year key4, imma try oudoors!im off to go check a decent size grow today
ive put him back on ignore
You could do with being a bit less noxious yourself. Takes two to argue. Just sayin'For the 4th time. Stick to it this time for all our sakes.
You could do with being a bit less noxious yourself.
@key4 do you not mind smoking the outdoor? do you not find it a bit fluffy? or do you make concentrates? The only time ive grown outdoors i was 15 and had no clue! ive got a plot in are yours looking this year?
Hit and miss , you get the fluffy phenos like you do indoor and on a year like this year ive lost 70% of my crop so far to mould.We have the Some great companys now making strains . Just do a couple hundred and plan it properly you will get as many boxes as you can be arsed trimming.
The high of outdoor cannot be matched by any artificial light source either. Its balanced.
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Off topic but ...
70% of my crop so far to mould
DIY COB LED starts to become really cost efficient when outfitting a larger space than say a 4'x2' tent since the manufacturers of heat sinks, diodes, drivers, etc. all offer fantastic bulk pricing. When I priced everything out for my 90 COB, 10 fixture design I got the price down to $1/watt.Mate tbh, I would love a COB build. Its just the size of my groom. Calculate the amount of COB's I would need for the 3.4m x 2.4m area, I did do it once and its quite a few. 50 something I do believe.
I had a great design based around GrowMau5's 12 COB design on one of his vids, only I had intended on turning them into bars to run the length of the groom.
Sadly it was SO immense of a build and such a huge outlay I had to be realistic about what I wanted to get. And for my £1200 and no hassle install of HID I am getting more than I wanted.
All that said mate, once I have the new gaff I want 4 DWC singles running autos in a 1.2 all year round. So you may see me with either a COB or QB build yet.
What does annoy me most is that I have access to the equipment to make a spectacular framework for the build, so trust me when I say I have been itching to give the diy a bash.
DIY COB LED starts to become really cost efficient when outfitting a larger space than say a 4'x2' tent since the manufacturers of heat sinks, diodes, drivers, etc. all offer fantastic bulk pricing. When I priced everything out for my 90 COB, 10 fixture design I got the price down to $1/watt.
And the QB would have used no less wattage annually.
What's your current setup? How much did the heat sinks you use cost per piece? The $1/watt figure is based on a fixture with what I found to be the highest quality components. For instance, the heat sinks I chose for the design would run me $16/pc @ bulk pricing while others gravitate towards cpu coolers or the like which are much, much cheaper.I did get a few prices on bulk heat sinks and cob holders as I couldn't get them in those amounts in the UK anyway, and the price wasn't too bad. Still much higher than what I ended up with, but cheaper than the cost of doing an all QB groom.
For QB it was about £2500 I think, my current setup cost me £1200. And the QB would have used no less wattage annually. So I can only assume the COB's would give me a similar outcome. Although they would without a doubt be cheaper than QB.
Then your design is flawed.