Convinced me to make the switch


Active Member
Just wanted to post to learn how to insert pictures...figured this might be a good place to start. Pulled 15 oz from a 300w Illumitex Neosol. Probably could do better price wise, but I couldn't really ask for any better as far as yield or quality it produced. Grown with an RDWC kit my buddy built and I'm testing, 4 plant sites runs with only 58 watt water pump.

final bow.jpg

suicide pact.jpg

nice root ball for no air pump :)
Nice!, but one question: Is it usual in DWC to devote 20% of your lamp energy consumption to water movement? Seems very high to me.
Maybe we get slightly offtopic. I use a single 100W pump for a 1m³/10m² aquaponic CHOP2 system. I was under impression in DWC you just need to floom.

Would you tell us more about your buddy's RDWC? I ask because that system certainly does wonders for you if you hit 1,4 gpw with a 1,3 umol/w fixture. Probably the run of your life ;)
Just wanted to post to learn how to insert pictures...figured this might be a good place to start. Pulled 15 oz from a 300w Illumitex Neosol. Probably could do better price wise, but I couldn't really ask for any better as far as yield or quality it produced. Grown with an RDWC kit my buddy built and I'm testing, 4 plant sites runs with only 58 watt water pump.

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nice root ball for no air pump :)
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I've been telling people for years that airpumps in RDWC are a poor design. I've been running airless and I love it!

Tell us more about your RDWC?
Thanks everyone, I wasn't really expecting the results I got...was one of those 'leds can't flower' guys. My hydro shop guy swore on these, so I got one...he was right. This was "Kinky Cheese" from escobar seeds, not known for being a yielder.

Yeah, that is more water movement than most RDWC kits, but this is a venturi bucket system. The ~800 gph pump was the smallest that would get the pressure high enough to get the venturis to work. I have a smaller 2 plant kit that runs on a 33 watt pump (or one size smaller if you take off the filter), also fits nicely under the Illumitex (rectangular footprint), just need to veg out a little longer. These plants showed some nutrient burn above 360 ppm, should give an idea of how well oxygenated the water was. Heaviest feeders like it under 400ppm. The way I figure is this is similar to the under currents which come with a big air pump to start with (100watts at least, right?) and this aerates better than air pumps without worrying about clogging air stones. And it is near silent operation if I put a silencer on the venturi air tube, just hear a little splash if i let central res water level get low and a minor hum from the water pump. Overall it should work better than the UC with less power and noise. And each bucket's drink gets stirred up more than using a waterfall method for aeration, which I think would be better as well.

If the power goes off, the water will stop moving around...have to make sure the air hose for the venturis go above water level or they'll drain out. O2 will slowly leave the water until the pump comes back on...have around 30 mins before it gets detrimental to nutrient absorbtion, a few hours before the roots will start suffering. I'm pretty lucky where I live, haven't had a power outage last longer than 10 minutes, happened twice over the last 10 years. Was told I'm on the same grid as a hospital and that means my section of grid is a high priority to keep up, has extra safeguards than normal.
Thanks everyone, I wasn't really expecting the results I got...was one of those 'leds can't flower' guys. My hydro shop guy swore on these, so I got one...he was right. This was "Kinky Cheese" from escobar seeds, not known for being a yielder.

Yeah, that is more water movement than most RDWC kits, but this is a venturi bucket system. The ~800 gph pump was the smallest that would get the pressure high enough to get the venturis to work. I have a smaller 2 plant kit that runs on a 33 watt pump (or one size smaller if you take off the filter), also fits nicely under the Illumitex (rectangular footprint), just need to veg out a little longer. These plants showed some nutrient burn above 360 ppm, should give an idea of how well oxygenated the water was. Heaviest feeders like it under 400ppm. The way I figure is this is similar to the under currents which come with a big air pump to start with (100watts at least, right?) and this aerates better than air pumps without worrying about clogging air stones. And it is near silent operation if I put a silencer on the venturi air tube, just hear a little splash if i let central res water level get low and a minor hum from the water pump. Overall it should work better than the UC with less power and noise. And each bucket's drink gets stirred up more than using a waterfall method for aeration, which I think would be better as well.

If the power goes off, the water will stop moving around...have to make sure the air hose for the venturis go above water level or they'll drain out. O2 will slowly leave the water until the pump comes back on...have around 30 mins before it gets detrimental to nutrient absorbtion, a few hours before the roots will start suffering. I'm pretty lucky where I live, haven't had a power outage last longer than 10 minutes, happened twice over the last 10 years. Was told I'm on the same grid as a hospital and that means my section of grid is a high priority to keep up, has extra safeguards than normal.
Can you elaborate a bit more on the venturi setup? Is it one per bucket or just one at the main pump?
There is one venturi per bucket. Can't have it at the main pump, any back pressure from fittings/elbows make the venturi squirt water instead of suck air.
In RDWC what happens if the power goes off ?

Nothing for as long as 24 hours. Water saturation doesn't disappear immediately. A small amount of backup power can circulate my system and maintain oxygen levels, even if run intermittently.
Nothing for as long as 24 hours. Water saturation doesn't disappear immediately. A small amount of backup power can circulate my system and maintain oxygen levels, even if run intermittently.

your happy leaving roots submerged in stagnant water for up to a day ?
I wouldn't be happy, but the plants will survive. One of the biggest problems with having the pump out is getting some bad bacteria get a stronghold IMO. Root rot and other baddies likes to set in at low O2 levels, so after awhile, those bacteria in the water will start to wake up and thrive causing issues. Could use a small battery backup pump if you want it to be more failure proof as Ttystikk suggested.

FWIW, you can combat higher res temps with higher oxygen content to a certain degree. The res temps for this grow were from 77-80 degrees, about 2-3 degrees above ambient temps of my room. Not ideal, could use a water chiller to put my mind at ease a bit, but with the high oxygen levels I had zero issues. Well, had one 13 gallon plant kit running under a 600w HPS, the root ball had gotten so big it cut off circulation to the top of the water level...had a bit of issue with that, could prune the roots a bit to prevent it I think.
i imagine if the water stops the lights would by off too don't get caught unprepared generators are worth it if you got a sizable crop