Convoy? ..Convoy!

Someone needs to articulate what exactly these morons are protesting? There are no masks and mandates have been around for awhile with a huge portion of the adult population vaxxed. If they have a problem with freedumb, then there are free and fair elections, if they still have an issue there are prisons.

No "warnings or second chances" for illegal activity on Canada Day: Ottawa mayor
15,010 views Jun 27, 2022 City of Ottawa staff and the Ottawa Police Service are ensuring residents that planned protests on Canada Day will not devolve into the kind of occupation that residents endured this past winter.

Divisiveness is good politicking. Guns? What's your policy up there..sorry I should know this.
Divisiveness is good politicking. Guns? What's your policy up there..sorry I should know this.
Hand gun sales are now illegal and they are restricted weapons, all hand guns must be registered and any one wanting a gun or to buy ammo needs an FAC (Firearms Acquisition Certificate). Over 1500 assault style weapons are banned and long guns are limited to 5 round mags. Self defense is not a legitimate reason to own a gun and if you want to hunt there are hunter safety courses and licenses. Most of our gun murders are with smuggled US weapons now.
Divisiveness is good politicking. Guns? What's your policy up there..sorry I should know this.
Canada and other liberal democracies prove by their example that you don't need guns to have freedom and that the second amendment was a stupid mistake and it's politicized interpretation even more idiotic. We are more free than Americans, half your population doesn't even have basic human rights and you are now relegated to the same table as the Taliban, but even they have better abortion laws.

So our examples on guns, social programs, healthcare and education are a problem for the right, who want to make America a shithole with no accountability for themselves. They are for guns, against women's rights, are anti democratic and a home to America's racists and bigots, what's not to like?