Cooking FoxFarm Soil to Serolize?


Well-Known Member
Hey I just got a bag of foxfarm ocean mix soil. I want to cook it in the oven because its frozen, and i want to sterolize it. At what temp and for how long should i do this?

Also, this soil it good to start seedlings in right?

Thank you everyone!


Active Member
From the Fox Farm FAQ.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Are your soils sterilized?[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]No, we don’t sterilize our soils because that would kill the very beneficial microbes which are critical in making nutrients available to plants. Your soil should be alive, not sterile! Our mixes contain beneficial fungi and micro-organisms that help plants become more disease resistant and grow healthy root systems. FoxFarm soils and fertilizers are specially formulated to build massive microbe populations.[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
I kinda figured. I ended up cookin the soil until it was warm, only at 180 degrees for about ten minutes cuz the soil was frozen soil when i got it...michigan :(

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
That sucks...and that was hot enough to kill the microrobes im pretty sure. 165 kills bacteria. Similar I presume but I am no micro biologist so I might be wrong on all of this..just some logic..and never "cook" your soil...ferts explode.